Tennis, anyone?

Life could be a dream
If I could take you up in paradise up above,
If you would tell me I’m the only one you love—
Life could be a dream, sweetheart.
(Hello! Hello again!) –The Overtones

Tennis, anyone?

Life is many things, depending on whom you ask. Life is short (then you die). Life is unfair. Life is a journey. Life—is a game to be played?

Which game, you might ask. Again, it depends whom you ask.

For many, Life is like Monopoly: keep moving, draw that salary, pay your taxes if you must and accumulate as much of the best stuff as you can possibly afford/ Take what you want from the other “players,” until you are the Last Man (or Woman) Standing.

Or maybe Life is more like Sorry! Take your turn, knock your opponent out of play, cry, “Sorry!” and keep on keepin’ on. The goal is to finish first and finish strong.

But I think, if Life is a game, maybe it’s best played more like a tennis match.

Oh, sure, there are days when I feel like cowering in the face of a powerful opponent. Or returning a vicious blow with an angry volley of my own. Life’s like that.

But at the very beginning, in the quiet before the games begin, there is nothing. And across the net, a voice cries out. Love! Love! It all begins in Love. Every one of us, when we have nothing, has Love. And we are called to serve—from Love.

(Plus, remember—Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court. . . .)

Monday What were your favorite games as a child? When was the last time you sat down with friends and played a game or dealt a hand of cards, just for fun? Today is a great day for this. Isaiah 60:1

Tuesday Are you (or were you) an athlete? How do you think this shaped you growing up? How competitive is your nature? Talk with God about this. Ephesians 6:9

Wednesday Take a walk outside today if you are able. Watch the ways Creation seems to work together for its own good. Look for ways plants are designed for survival. Matthew 5:43-45

Thursday Sit today and listen to conversations going on around you. Close your eyes and imagine. Is the speaker shaping the words with love—or something else? Pray for those you hear. Mark 12:29-31

Friday Treat yourself today. Have an ice cream. Rent a movie (or go to the movies). Get a massage. Remember how beloved you are. Habakkuk 3:19

Saturday During your time of prayer, sit quietly and listen. Rest in the knowledge that God is Love. Give thanks. Zephaniah 3:20

Sunday When was the last time you worshipped among strangers? Consider visiting another church—or at the very least, sit in a different section of the meeting place you call home. John 14:2

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. –Sholom Aleichem  


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