Big Old Softie

"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:15-22

(This week’s thoughts are from Quinn G. Caldwell, via Still Speaking, a publication of the United Church of Christ.)

This one's a no-brainer. When it comes to the down-on-their-luck and the never-had-any-luck, the down-at-the-heels and the can't-afford-any-heels, the downcast and the cast-off, God is a big ole softie. Like a little old lady who can't stop taking stray cats into her house, God won't stop going to the crushed in spirit and taking them into God’s own heart. Unlike the cat lady, however, God actually has all it takes to give every one of those spirits a good forever home. And you're part of the plan. 

You know somebody with a broken heart. I know you do. So here's today's assignment: be a big old softie. Go visit or call him or her on the phone and say, "I've been thinking about you. How are you?" Then listen, hard. Distribute hugs and sympathetic noises and tears liberally, as needed. Sometime before the conversation is over, say, "I love you." 

Because here's the thing: that person might not have noticed just how close God is. But in your love, they won't be able to miss it.

God, show me who you would have me reach out to today. And in the reaching, may both the broken hearts—mine and theirs—begin to be healed. Amen.

Monday Quinn has given you an assignment to start your week: choose someone you care about. Call or visit. Listen and love. Psalm 105:1-4

Tuesday Today, open your heart and your arms to a stranger. Greet someone warmly whom you don’t know, whether in line at the grocery store or on your daily walk. 1 Peter 1:17-19

Wednesday Consider arranging to volunteer to serve a meal at a soup kitchen, or visit a classroom to read to children. Offer your gifts generously. Jeremiah 31:34

Thursday We are called to care for all of Creation. Today, plant seeds. Feed birds. Pause and listen to the glorious songs that surround us. Isaiah 57:12-13

Friday Call a friend or loved one and offer to get together—just because. Listen, laugh, love. Esther 4:14

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, lavish love and kindness on your own spirit. Thank God—and rest. Job 42:1-3

Sunday How will you greet one another today as you gather again to worship? It has been a whole week! Let your words be loving and your smiles be bright. 1 Chronicles 16:28-33

Nearness to God brings likeness to God. The more you see God, the more of God will be seen in you. –Charles Spurgeon


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