Ask an expert

Experts always know everything but the fine points. –Hedy Lamarr

It happens all the time.

It’s one of those things every pastor and every seminary student has experienced. We smile, we shake our heads in puzzlement—but it still happens: at potlucks, at parties and meetings, even random social gatherings.

The time comes to get things started. Eyes frantically search the room, looking . . . looking . . . aha! There she is!

Heidi, would you mind praying for us?

Now, don’t get me wrong: I don’t mind. I believe prayer is a spiritual gift, and I’ve been gifted. It just strikes me (and many pastors) as ironic that when it comes time to say grace over a church dinner, it seems we need an “expert” to do so.

When it comes to prayer, the playing field has been completely leveled. There is nothing about my seminary degree that makes my prayers any more pleasing to the Creator than the quiet whispers of a child, or the tangled, anguished gibberish of a broken, hurting teen or the delighted squeals of a new parent. Silent or spoken, eloquent or simple, all prayer is received by God with love and grace.

And the most eloquent prayer of all is a life lived in humble imitation of the life of the Christ. Feeding the hungry, offering clothing to the poor—these, too, are the prayers of an “expert.”

Monday Take time to look for signs of changing seasons: grass growing dry; leaves beginning to turn; darker, wetter clouds in the sky. As you study, consider the Creator who is also your Redeemer. Psalm 84:1-4

Tuesday Today, look for new life on the streets of your community. God is present in all places. As you look through God’s eyes, give thanks for God’s holy presence. Romans 13:8-10

Wednesday Spend some time in silence. Listen for a whisper, a quiet revelation of the Almighty. Give thanks and rest in that place. Romans 15:5-6

Thursday We are designed in the image of the Creator. Take a moment and meditate on the Image of Christ in you. John 19:17-22

Friday Is there any place inaccessible to the Lord? (This is not a trick question!) Take time today to make yourself available to the Almighty. Allow God to work in the dark spaces. John 19:28-30

Saturday Look in the mirror. Study the palm of your hand. Listen to the sound of your breath. Feel the beat of your heart as it sends life through your body. You are a miracle! Never doubt that you are precious in God’s sight. John 19:38-42

Sunday On this Sunday together, celebrate the new life God offers to each one of us and to this Body of Christ. Look around at the beautiful family of faith drawn together in this holy place, and give thanks. Peace be upon your spirit. John 20:1-18

Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience. . . . You must continue to gain expertise, but avoid thinking like an expert. –Denis Waitley


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