In order to experience everyday spirituality, we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a physical body. –Barbara de Angelis

Years ago, Friedrich Nietzsche made the news with this statement: God is dead. Now, today, polls from Gallup, Pew and others are making a similar pronouncement: The Church is dying.

In the past, when asked, people identified their faith with the church they attended: Baptist, Catholic, Methodist. But recent polls have shown declines, nearly across the board, among “traditional” religious groups, and a steady rise among members of a previously unnamed group, the SBNRs.

Spiritual. But Not Religious.

The definition of SBNR is a bit nebulous, but generally refers to folks who hunger for “something more,” but don’t look for (or find) it in church. Many SBNRs will tell you they experience God (by whatever name they call him/ her) in nature, away from the busyness of the world and everyday life. And—they feel that’s really all they need; they can “go it alone.” Church? That worked for their parents, but is an old, outdated, antiquated idea.

Maybe—but maybe not. While it’s wonderful (and necessary) to steal away for quiet time alone with the Divine, it’s also wonderful (and necessary) to come down from the mountain and return to a loving, caring community to share and celebrate the journey. The Creator never intended for us to be alone (Genesis 2:18). In joy, in trial—in all seasons of life, we need one another. So get away if you must. But please—come back! We need one another on this journey. We need a healthy faith community in which to give and receive Love.

Monday If you are able-bodied, choose today to leave a close-in parking space at the mall or grocery store available for someone else. Ruth 2:4-9

Tuesday The food banks in our communities are always in need. This week, pick up some tuna, macaroni & cheese or other pasta and bring it with you for our food bank collection. Ruth 2:10-13

Wednesday No matter what your politics, pause today and reflect on the life of a nation’s leader and their family, living in a fishbowl. Pray for them. 2 Samuel 7:18-29

Thursday Pay attention to the strangers today with whom you interact: people in line, a cashier or server. Pray for them and their families. All lives have value; all jobs are important. Philippians 2:5-11

Friday Is there someone in your life who inspires you? Someone whom you admire or consider a role model? Have you told them? Today would be a great day to make a call or drop a note. 1 Corinthians 1:4-9

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, thank God for the people and opportunities you have had in your life that made you who you are today. Rest. Psalm 17:6-8

Sunday So many opportunities for fellowship! As we gather for worship, reflect with a friend on some way you felt God working in your life this week. (Maybe through these prayer guides.) Give thanks. Luke 14:12-14

I think after a time there won’t be anything left to be interesting for mankind. Computers are about to do everything for us. . . . We’ll embrace spirituality because we’ll be bored of everything else. –Damian Marley


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