Sum of its parts

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. –Max Lucado

When I was in seminary, on the first day of one of my classes, the professor gave each of us a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. I still have mine; it’s green like grass, I think—or maybe sky blue. It’s been in my coin purse so long, the colors are scratched and faded. The layers have begun to pull apart, and the edges are wearing smooth. (Life can do that to you sometimes.)

Dr. K gave us the puzzle piece for a reason, of course. It’s to remind us that we are each part of a much bigger picture, a picture that is incomplete without me. And even if my piece seems to look a lot like every other piece of sky or grass, in the Bigger Picture, each piece has its own unique place, its own special purpose. In God’s Kingdom, no one is more (or less) important than I am. We all fit together. Perfectly.

But there’s another reminder there, too: I don’t need to be big or flashy, or try to do everything in a big way, to make a difference. Whatever we do—a smile, a cup of coffee—can be a game-changer for a person in need.

What if, instead of wishing we could do more, we boldly and confidently do what we can? Can’t afford to bring a whole case of food to the food drive? How about a couple cans of tuna or beans? Mission trips to Guatemala aren’t your thing? Consider a donation to the Red Cross or UMCOR. Wherever you are, there are homeless, hungry people in need of the love you have to offer. Little things can mean the world to someone who’s struggling to make their way in the world.

Monday When was the last time you bought coffee for a stranger, or shared a lunch with a child? How about today? 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Tuesday Ponder today what you would do with a financial windfall. Is your thinking focused on yourself or on the needs of others (or both)? Habakkuk 1:5

\Wednesday Try, today, to go the whole day without complaining—about the weather, the traffic or life’s general unfairness. Tonight, give thanks and reflect on the experience. Exodus 34:6-7

Thursday Are you in the habit of serving? Maybe you are on a church committee, or help regularly with the neighborhood lunch. What different thing might you be willing to try? Pray on this, go-- and do. Luke 10:30-37

Friday How do you help make Creation a better, safer place? What can you do to help the earth we live in heal and thrive? Today, consider walking or sharing a ride--and skip the bottled water. Psalm 24:1-6

Saturday You’ve been good all week long. Today, during your quiet time, confess before the Lord just how difficult it was. Ask for a new heart; give thanks and receive it. Psalm 51:10-12

Sunday Greet one another as John Wesley’s followers greeted one another. Ask and answer this question: How is it with your soul? Really listen for the answer, and pray for one another. Psalm 62:5-8

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. –Margaret Mead


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