Eternity-- NOW?

By salvation, I mean, not barely (according to the vulgar notion) deliverance from hell, or going to heaven, but a present deliverance . . . the renewal of our souls after the image of God in . . . justice, mercy and truth. –John Wesley

A few weeks back, we reflected on faith vs. works. Which is more important as Christians: what we believe, or how we live our lives? My belief is, it’s both. In coming to believe in the tremendous love and grace God offers us, the joy that fills the soul spills over, leading us to want, more than anything, to share that love with others.

So this week, another question: What do you believe is meant by the word salvation?

Many Christians believe salvation is an individual affair. Christ died for my sins, and because he saved me, when I die I will be welcomed into God’s Kingdom and spend all of eternity in the loving company of Jesus.

Other Christians will tell you that salvation was, indeed, Christ’s mission in the world. But his mission wasn’t to save us for the hereafter; Christ’s purpose was to offer healing and wholeness, here and now, to tired souls and broken hearts.

Still others believe that salvation extends far beyond human needs. When Christ comes again, it will be for the healing of all Creation. And in the meantime, those who profess to follow Jesus are charged with caring: for one another, for creatures and for creation.

What do you believe—and why do you believe it? How does the way you live your life reflect your beliefs?

Monday Take your “spiritual temperature” today. What season are you living in right now? Pray to God as you are drawn. Isaiah 53:1-2

Tuesday Take a moment today to observe an animal, whether it’s a pet or a bird or squirrel in a nearby tree. Watch and listen; seek to understand its “language.” ­Genesis 11:1-9

Wednesday Allow yourself to actually feel and experience the warmth today. Is it comfortable or uncomfortable for you? Rest. Enjoy a cold beverage. Hebrews 12:28

Thursday Every day offers you a fresh chance to open your heart to the grace God offers. Is there an area where you seek forgiveness? 2 Chronicles 7:13-16

Friday We are called to be blessing in the world. How will you bless someone today? Be deliberate in seeking the opportunity to offer God’s grace to another. Give thanks. Genesis 12:2-3

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, take time to be aware of the beauty of God’s creation in this season. Savor the fruits of summer. Consider trying an unfamiliar food with an open mind. Acts 10:9-15

Sunday Come together for worship with a curious mind, an open heart and a voice ready to praise the Living God. Seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place. Genesis 28:16-17

I don’t follow Jesus in order to go to heaven when I die—or conversely, to avoid going to hell. That’s a cheap form of faith that is really nothing more than fire insurance. I follow Jesus here and now for the sake of experiencing salvation (which means “wholeness” and “healing”) here and now—and to help others do the same.—Roger Wolsey


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