White Elephants

 Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. –Erich Fromm


Have you ever been to a White Elephant gift exchange?

Here’s how it works: You go through all the stuff you have lying around and choose one thing that no longer sparks joy—but might spark joy in someone else’s heart. Wrap it up, and get together with a group of friends. Everyone winds up with whatever someone else brought, and goes home with something new and unusual.

Usually, when you open your “new gift,” you have one of three reactions:

You laugh out loud (or cry inside), thank the giver—and plot to drop it off in a public trash bin on the drive home;

Or . . . you stare in dismay, paste a smile on your face—and start imagining which friend might receive this wonderful gift at the next White Elephant party;

Or . . . you genuinely delight in this unexpected gift, this thing that you can hardly believe someone else no longer wanted, because it will look great right next to the geraniums. You just received something absolutely perfect, that you never even knew you wanted!

When was the last time God dropped off an unexpected gift in your life, one that may have taken you through any (or all) of these reactions? I hope you manage, eventually, to find some sense of peace, if not joy, at whatever happens in Life. God may not have brought it, but the grace and peace of God will never, ever abandon you. 


Monday, February 1 I’ve got you thinking, haven’t I? What one thing are you ready to pass along to a good friend, because you think they might need it? Isaiah 40:21-24

Tuesday Take a few minutes today and reflect on some of the best things you’ve received over the years. If possible, reach out to the giver. Isaiah 40:25-26

Wednesday Have you ever needed something basic, like food or a warm jacket? If you are able, find a way to donate something like that to a food or clothing bank in your area. Isaiah 40:27-31

Thursday Often, the best gift of all is simply time. Reach out today. Offer an ear. Ask if they would like you to pray—and then do it, together. 1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Friday Think about this past year as we negotiate this pandemic. Try to recall an instance when something that seemed awful turned out to be a blessing. Psalm 147:1-11

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, do a little soul searching. How good are you at seeing life’s glass half-full? Do you prefer to give—or to receive? (Be honest!) Consider starting a gratitude journal. Mark 1:29-33

Sunday As you find ways to worship today, do so with a joyful heart, rather than a reluctant spirit. (But if you’re feeling reluctant, that’s okay, too.) Mark 1:34-39


Life is always bringing unexpected gifts. –May Sarton


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