Sheer poetry.


Tyrants fear the poet.
Now that we know it
we can’t blow it. . . .

we must bestow it
like a wick in the poet

--Amanda Gorman, “In This Place”

This week, we witnessed again the beauty and power of the spoken word. We listened in awe as a young woman of color spoke truth to life—in powerful rhyme, no less! The gentle wave of her hand, her confidence—wow. 

And then, the newly-elected president spoke, asking the nation to join him in prayer (by whatever name you might call it). Mourning the deaths of over 400,000 men and women, parents and children is a necessary first step as we move forward into the next stage of this experiment we call democracy. 

What do these two prophetic voices have in common? They have both worked their whole lives to overcome a challenge that could have kept them from sharing their words with the world. They both have endured ridicule and sometimes, exclusion, to speak clearly and with authority.

God chooses. God uses. God gives courage to those whose voices might quiver, that God’s good purpose would be fulfilled. God will use even you. (Especially you.)

Monday Do you know someone whose life has recently been flipped on its head? Reach out to them, and as you offer help, be specific. Deuteronomy 18:15-16

Tuesday Are you the person lying flat on the turf, gasping for air? Reach out (if you can). There is great strength in vulnerability. Pray for yourself. Deuteronomy 18:18-20

Wednesday Pray today for a community of faith of which you are a part. Pray for a loving and fearless heart. What gifts do you have that Christ’s Church needs more of? Psalm 11:1-2

Thursday Take a look at your budget. Does it reflect who you are as a follower of the Christ? What do you do with your “loose change”? Psalm 11:3-10

Friday Now think about how you budget your time. Where are your priorities? What is truly non-negotiable, and where might you spend your time more wisely and to God’s glory? 1 Corinthians 8:1-6

Saturday Pray for yourself. Remind yourself that you are a unique child of the Most High; no one can prepare the way quite like you. Rest and listen. 1 Corinthians 8:7-13

Sunday If you meet someone today, don’t be afraid to look them in the eye. The Christ in them desires to see the Christ in you. Namaste. Rejoice! Mark 1:21-28


It’s not about finding your voice. It’s about giving yourself permission to use your voice. –Kris Carr



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