Quelling an insurrection within


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. –Sun Tzu


It happens a lot. Things happen in the world, and we respond. Sometimes we literally break out in a cold sweat. We look around nervously and wonder. Am I safe? What’s happening there—could it happen here? What should I do? What can I do? I feel so helpless. . . .

Our new year in the USA started off with a big bang, didn’t it, as angry rioters broke into our capitol building. The news channels covered it relentlessly, showing every angle. The fear among the reporters was apparent—and contagious. We all felt it. We all looked around at our neighbors, wondering. . . .

Fear. At the heart of everything we felt on January 6-- was fear

We are afraid our American lifestyle and democracy are at risk. We are fearful of our neighbors who might disagree with us. We are afraid we aren’t quite as safe today as we were yesterday—or were we even safe then?

How do we get out of this quagmire of cold sweats and nervous glances? Start by turning off the news for a few hours. Life will go on, whether you are watching 24/7 or not.

Take a slow, deep breath. Take another—and as many as you need. Stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes. Repeat Jesus’ words. Perfect Love casts out all fear. We may not have that perfect Love thing down yet—but God does. Let God lead your actions. Act in love, whether you feel it or not. Before you realize it, your fears will diminish; your racing pulse will calm. The turmoil in your soul will be stilled. Rest.


Monday What are you afraid of? Be specific. (Mine is spiders.) Is your fear logical? Why or why not? 1 Samuel 3:1-7

Tuesday When was the last time you chose not to do something—out of fear? Was that choice a good one? If you had it to do over again, would you? 1 Samuel 3:8-10

Wednesday Try something new today, if you can. Fear of the unfamiliar is possibly the most crippling fear we might experience. Reflect on your experience. Psalm 139:1-6

Thursday Look around today at the people you encounter, or see on television. Pay attention to what you feel as your eyes rest on friends or strangers. 1 Corinthians 6:20

Friday, January 15 Can you go a whole day without watching the news? This seems to be a good week to try to do this. Pay attention to how you feel during this experiment. Better? Or out of control? (Remember Who’s supposed to be in control?) Reflect on your feelings. 1 Samuel 3:11-20

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, as the Almighty to relieve your fears that make no sense. Ask God to replace your fears with grace and peace. Psalm 139:13-18

Sunday Sunday begins a new week. Seven more days, to be taken one day at a time. Worship the Lord today, giving thanks for the world around you! John 1:43-51


We have met the enemy—and he is us. --Pogo


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