A new year. A fresh start


Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another, as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word. –Goran Persson

As we turn up the new calendar page, there’s always been this idea that we need to change, to resolve to be better this year than we were last year. A few years ago, I discovered an ancient Hawaiian practice that seems suited to the start of a new year. The practice is called Ho’oponopono.

There are four phrases that are elemental to Ho’oponopono. If you are up for trying something new in 2021, I would encourage you to meditate on these four elements:

I’m sorry. Is there someone to whom you owe an apology? Now just might be the time.

I forgive you. On the flip side, is there someone you know you need to actively offer forgiveness to? Whether they have asked forgiveness or not?

Thank you. Gratitude is a wonderful attitude to cultivate. The world around us is filled with reasons to give thanks. 

I love you. Three little words. Three words that hold acceptance, comfort—home. Let your love be as wide and sweeping as you can manage.

This week, take time each day and focus your prayers on one phrase. Listen to where God leads your heart. Let 2021 be a year for healing brokenness within and broken relationships.

Monday “The news” is seldom good. So just for today, disconnect, and give yourself permission to be happy. Genesis 1:1-5

Tuesday You are unique. Even if you are a twin or a triplet, there is no one exactly like you. Praise God for this, and give yourself permission to be—you. Genesis 1:27

Wednesday We have all made mistakes. Today, try to let go of feeling guilty about things you cannot change. Remove the words, “if only,” from your vocabulary. Psalm 29

Thursday Before we can forgive one another, first we must forgive ourselves. This is the day. Allow yourself to bask deeply in God’s grace. Acts 19:1-2

Friday Fear can lead to paralysis. The great majority of things we fear never come to pass. Just for today, confront a single fear and ask: What is the worst that could happen? Lay it down and walk away. Acts 19:3-7

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, listen deeply for the voice of the Almighty. Do not allow negative self-talk to insert itself. You are a beloved child of God, and that is enough. Mark 1:4-8

Sunday Today, don’t worry about tomorrow. You do not need to be God. (That part is already taken.) Rest in the promise of Life. Mark 4:9-11


You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down. –Mary Pickford


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