Distractions, distractions, distractions.

 These are the times that try [humanity’s] souls. –Thomas Paine 

Everywhere we look these days, things and people and events are vying for our attention, many in a not-so-good way. The violence and hysteria, the fear that fills the evening news—what on earth is going on?

And then the church chimes in, claiming to speak for Jesus, and reminds us that the rapture is ahead, and it’s time to repent and be saved! (Rapture theology is weak and harmful. Please do not go there.)

The constant onslaught is unhealthy for body and mind. So do something about it!

Turn off the television. Shut down the internet. Focus your eyes back where they never should have left in the first place. Be distracted by the moments of beauty and grace that surround us every single moment!

The message of Jesus the Christ is Love.

The mission of Christ’s Church? Do justice; love mercy; walk humbly alongside your God who loves you.

Let God provide the distractions this week. Let your heart seek and find the deep peace and simple beauty of Creation. Peace.

Monday Today Americans honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Pause and think about your ancestors and how they shaped our world today. Jonah 3:1-5

Tuesday As you sit in quiet today, open your ears to listen for the quietest voices of Creation. What do you hear? Anything surprising? Psalm 62:5-8

Wednesday Today Americans are swearing in a new president. Pause today and pray for the leaders who have chosen to serve this country (all of it). Mark 1:14-18

Thursday Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Listen to the air fill your lungs; listen as it streams out of your body. Think of your breath as God’s love. Jonah 3:10

Friday Be distracted today by your fingers. Close your eyes and explore some things with your fingers. What do you notice? 1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to reveal where you have work to do. Let God gently explore your darker side. Pray. Psalm 62:9-12

Sunday Worship the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. God is always, always, always good. Give thanks! Mark 1:19-20

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. –Winston Churchill


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