Useless. Not worthless.

 Prayer as an articulate way of being useless in the face of God brings a smile to all we do and creates humor in the midst of our occupations and preoccupations. –Henri J. M. Nouwen


Sometimes, when our lives become so filled with busy, prayer can begin to feel like just one more task we need to do. Pray those words; offer those needs. Check that box and get back to work.

Truth is, prayer is far, far more than that.

Prayer can (and should) be a time to rest, set aside the cares and concerns of the world, and try to simply be. Do nothing. Let God frame the space, and in being of no use to the world for a time, we again realize just how valuable we are to the One who created us!

It’s true. As much as it might feel like we should be the one driving our prayer time, quiet moments become far more enjoyable when we allow God to take the wheel (or Jesus J).

Whether you can handle an hour, or barely ten minutes, set aside time every day, if possible, to rest in silence with God. A wise young friend in seminary actually scheduled his prayer time into his calendar—and made certain he honored it.

I am fairly sure Jesus would have done the same. Try it.

Monday Pray today for a heart that is less suspicious and more loving. Be prepared to follow where God leads you. Acts 11:1-9

Tuesday How is your vision? How do you do at seeing fellow travelers through God’s eyes? Pray today for eyes that look past exterior appearances. Acts 11:10-18

Wednesday Sometimes the most difficult thing God asks us to do is simply to wait. Is there an area in your life where you sense something intangibly holding you back? Pray for greater trust in God’s timing and plan. Psalm 148:1-6

Thursday Someone needs to hear your voice or read a love note from you. Pray that God would guide your heart to reach out. Psalm 148:7-14

Friday Allow yourself to contemplate the enormity of the God we serve. Rest in the knowledge that in our tininess, still we are loved. Revelation 21:1-6

Saturday When Jesus ascended, he sent his Spirit to dwell within our hearts and serve in the world as he served. Pray today that God would show you a fresh way you can serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Revelation 22:16-17.

Sunday For many, another busy school year is wrapping up. Take time today simply to rest in the loving embrace of the Almighty. John 13:31-35


Whenever I become a little useless I know that God is calling me to a new life beyond the boundaries of my usefulness. –Henri J. M. Nouwen


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