God's portal

 No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit. –Helen Keller

In popular science fiction and fantasy movies, there is always a portal, some unseen opening that allows the main characters to travel from one time or place to another, arriving unexpectedly. You know. In Harry Potter, it’s Platform 9-3/4. In A Wrinkle in Time, the amazing tesseract literally causes a fold in the space time continuum. The wonder is, when they arrive elsewhere, frequently it is as if no one even notices or questions how they got there!

There are, I believe, portals God uses in the world, places God shows up completely unexpected—and in that moment, we don’t even notice.

These portals give us glimpses of God’s perfection, that’s ours to be embraced, not just in the hereafter, but in the here-and-now.

God’s portals are everywhere. Places where the goodness of God’s spirit, flowing from willing hands and hearts, makes this world so much better. Generous folks donating food, diapers and whatever else is needed to the people of Ukraine as they suffer the toils of a war they never asked for. A single sunbeam, shining forth after the rain. A child’s giggle. The gentle touch of a stranger when we are hurting.

God’s presence is everywhere. God is doing a new thing. Now it springs forth—do you not see it? Open your eyes and see.

Monday Give thanks for the beauty of the earth, the rainfall, waterfalls and oceans. If you can, find time to dangle your toes in some water today. Acts 16:9-12

Tuesday Thank God for verdant plant life: for trees and beans, for berries and greens. Partake of the goodness of the garden; visit a farmer’s market. Acts 16:13-15

Wednesday Give thanks today for the beasts of the land, the birds of the air and fish in the sea. When was the last time you visited the zoo? Take a moment to appreciate the diversity of Creation. Revelation 21:10

Thursday Praise and give thanks for the wind that cleanses the air and refreshes our tired bodies at day’s end. Stand in the face of a breeze and feel its power. Psalm 67

Friday Give thanks to the Creator for the sun, the moon, the stars and all that lies beyond our vision. Get up early or stay up past your bedtime to enjoy seeing Creation in a new light. Revelation 22:1-5

Saturday Give thanks for one another: for parents, for those who teach and for yourself as learner. Remember that all learners are also teachers—and vice versa. John 14:23-26

Sunday Give thanks for the Divine Love that surrounds us, draws us together and makes us one in Spirit. Find a quiet time to soak in the Spirit’s Love. John 14:27-29


The world is full of people who have never, since childhood, met an open doorway with an open mind. –E. B. White


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