God is . . . (And God is NOT!)

 I remember a story about a Rabbi during a natural disaster. He was asked how he could explain such a tragic act of God. The Rabbi answered that the disaster was an act of nature. The act of God occurred when people stepped up to help each other. –Jerry Butcher

If you are really looking for answers, it just might be that God isn’t the best place to start.

On the one hand, believers (like me) will tell you there is a Being, Something that is, indeed, all-powerful. But then the skeptic, or realist, will ask a question like the one above.

How can a truly all-powerful god allow stuff like wars, and famines, and even pandemics to happen on their watch?

I think the key word there is allow. As human beings, we cannot have both a large and completely in-charge God and free will to control our own lives day to day.

Because I have a sense of God’s Spirit at work in my own life, I truly believe when things like wars and famines and even pandemics happen, God’s heart breaks, just as mine does. (Or maybe it’s the other way around.)

I also believe Creator God is counting on us, each one of us, to exercise our free will following God’s will to love one another.

I will say it: Sh*t happens, every single day. But don’t go blaming all that nasty sh*t in the world on God. If we don’t work to prevent it, at the very least, we can come together in Love to clean up afterwards.

Monday Start your day journaling. Where is your head (and your heart) this morning? Anything need a do-over already? Revelation 7:9-12

Tuesday Pray today for someone you know who is having a rough time in life. Pray for peace and healing—for them and for yourself. John 10:22-24

Wednesday How is your health overall? Pause today and notice the miracle of you. Feel your heart beat. Listen to your breath. You are a miracle! Acts 9:36-39

Thursday When you watch the news today, focus on one small difference you could make in the world. Do that, stand back and watch. John 10:25-30

Friday Are you superstitious? Why? For fun—or seriously? Question your superstitious motives. Pray. Psalm 23

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to show you your superpower. How is God trying to use you for greater things? What’s holding you back? Acts 9:40-43

Sunday praise God this morning from the depths of your being, even the dark, ouchie spots. God is with you in all seasons (even when God isn’t “fixing” things as quickly as you might like). Revelation 7:13-17


We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with God. God walks everywhere incognito. –C. S. Lewis


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