Are you even listening???

 Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. –Leo Buscaglia

Ever wonder what God is doing? (All the time. . . .)

I mean, we learn from the Bible and from our Sunday school teachers that we are made in God’s likeness, so we turn that around to mean if we have eyes, then God must have eyes, and if we have ears, God must have ears. Right?

So why is it, then, that so often when we pray, it feels like God just doesn’t seem to be listening? Or if God is listening, then God must not really care, after all?

It seems that way, doesn’t it, when all we want is peace of mind, peace of spirit, peace for the whole world—and we keep speaking the same prayers, over and over. Maybe God just needs to hear them one more time, or by one more person. . . .

Do you really believe this? That God is waiting for our prayers to hit a magic number before God responds as we are asking?

Come on, now. You know better.

If God isn’t answering as you wish God would . . . shush. Stop talking. Listen. Look around, not for more people to pray, but for people (like you?) whom God will use to answer prayers. Then-- move your feet. Do something.

God is listening. Maybe you need to listen more closely.

Monday Start small. Thirty seconds or maybe a minute (or more). Stop talking through your prayer time—and just listen. Acts 16:16-18

Tuesday Listen closely to the actual sounds in the silence. A ticking clock . . . traffic . . . a child’s giggle outside. Thank God for all of these. Acts 16:19-24

Wednesday Have you ever tried to imagine what life would be like if you lost your hearing? Acts 16:25-29

Thursday Today, sing. Sing for yourself. Allow yourself to tune in to the words of whatever song you choose. God loves your voice! (You should, too.) Acts 16:30-34

Friday Take a walk outside today if possible. Try to engage all five senses as you wander. What are you noticing that maybe you never noticed before? Psalm 97

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, break the silence. Let ‘er rip. Talk with God as you would speak with a human friend whom you trust implicitly. Then stop talking and give God a turn. Revelation 22:12-14

Sunday Sundays are made for worship, aren’t they? Spend time in serious, profound gratitude. John 17:20-26


Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listen heaven. –Rabindranath Tagore


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