
 The truth is, you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. –Eminem


A few years ago, we were returning from a trip Out West. We had flown Southwest, and everything was great—until we almost reached Cleveland. As we approached the airport, circled and began the descent, suddenly the plane pulled up and made another circle.

The pilot came on the PA system: Ladies and gentlemen, we have some unexpected turbulence and a serious crosswind. Please remain in your seats.

We looked at each other, and really weren’t too concerned—until we made another circle, tried again—and again pulled up.

As the pilot updated us, the entire plane fell into utter silence. This was serious—especially when he said we’d try once more—and if we couldn’t land, we would have to fly-- to Wichita. No—not that!

On the third pass, our talented crew landed the plane, and a cheer erupted! As we looked out the windows, we saw the flashing red lights of a number of emergency vehicles and foam trucks, prepared to do whatever was necessary. (Thank God it wasn’t.)

But what I remember was how quiet the plane got during the bumpiest part of the ride. And I think how important that approach to life, in general, is.

There will be tough times. Those are the times to fall silent, seek God’s Presence in the quiet—and trust. 

Take a deep breath. This, too, shall pass.

Monday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Listen to the sound of your own rhythmic breathing. Slow down. 2 Samuel 23:1-7

Tuesday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Can you hear your heartbeat? Imagine your pulse as the very source of your life (which it is). Psalm 132:1-12

Wednesday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Allow the sounds of the world going by to draw your attention. Consider journaling. Psalm 132:13-18

Thursday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. This time, if you are distracted by noises around you, focus more deeply. Can you ignore the world—for five minutes? Daniel 7:9-10

Friday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Focus on relaxing as you breathe. Try breathing in for four, hold for 5, and exhale for seven. Repeat and relax. Revelation 1:4-8

Saturday Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Consider talking about what you’ve experienced this week with a spiritual companion. John 18:33-37

Sunday Advent 1 Rest in quiet for at least five minutes. Reflect on how Advent and Christmas will feel this year. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones over the past year, and continue to pray for our frontline workers. Psalm 93


Love doesn’t make the world go ‘round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. –Franklin P. Jones



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