All In.

 In life, you have three choices: Give up; give in; or give it your all. –Charleston Parker


Do you remember James Holzauer? James was a Jeopardy champion who won 33 regular season games and amassed nearly two and a half million dollars in winnings. He was smart, and he was shrewd—but he also had one particular habit that helped him win big.

When James would unearth a Daily Double, invariably he would put his hands next to one another and make a pushing motion, announcing that he was going all in. In other words, he was putting everything he had into what happened next.

Sometimes, he lost big. But much of the time, he won big.

While I don’t think much of Mr. Holzauer being a professional gambler for a living, I can admire the ferociousness with which he approached this game.

He understood that life is for the living. We have much to give; why not give it? If we take no chances, we risk winding up at life’s end wondering if we really lived at all!

Consider this life lesson. Take chances for one another, knowing and trusting and believing that God is so good and so loving, in the end, we will have more than enough in our lives. Go all in. Take a chance!

Monday, November 8 Seasons are changing. What do you have in your closet that you no longer need or want? Contact a local Thrift Shop to donate. Ruth 3:1-5

Tuesday When you shop next time, pick up a few extra cans of soup or canned vegetables to donate to your local Food Pantry. Psalm 127

Wednesday How about that bookshelf? Pick a favorite book and offer to share it with someone. Invite them to discuss the book afterwards. I Kings 17:8-16

Thursday On this Veterans Day in the States, give thanks for those who willingly went all in for a cause greater than their own lives. Psalm 146

Friday How deeply do you trust God to provide all you need? Find time today to be honest in your heart. Ask God to sow deeper seeds of trust. Ruth 4:13-17

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, ask God to lead your heart. Where can you give even more of who God created you to be? Give thanks. Mark 12:38-40

Sunday God has gone all in for each one of us. Rejoice, give thanks and sing to God! Mark 12:41-44


Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have. –Jim Rohn


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