Chicken Soup

 Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going fast; you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. –Eddie Cantor


Remember those books? There was a whole series, new ones added almost every week. Chicken Soup for the Soul. For the Christian Soul. For the Cat Lover’s Soul. And on and on.

They became something of a joke, but their initial intention was wonderful: slow down and find those things that nourish you and feed your soul when you are not at your peak.

What feeds your soul? What sights or sounds or smells bring fresh hope to your spirit at the end of the day?

A child’s beautiful waterfall giggle?

The warm fragrance of lavender? Or cinnamon? Vanilla?

The gentle rustling of the wind, stirring the leaves from the neighbors’ trees that have found their way to your yard?

If we get too busy, dashing from one task straight to the next; if we turn the radio up and blast out catchy pop tunes to drown the day’s challenges; if we constantly fail to hit the pause button. . . . Think how much beauty and love we might miss out on. It’s not worth it. Take a breath this week.

Monday Focus today on what you see in the world around you. How clear is your vision? What changes when you turn on (or off) a light? 1 Samuel 1:4-10

Tuesday Listen, listen, listen. What do you hear? Are there sounds from outside that seem barely audible—yet when you finally hear them, fill your heart with song? 1 Samuel 1:11-20

Wednesday Pause today and touch. Literally. Look around you. Close your eyes and let your fingers teach you about the hidden world. 1 Samuel 2:1-10

Thursday Ah, smell! Is there a fragrance you find exceptionally delightful? Why? What makes it so special in your life? (My daddy smelled like Vitalis.) Mark 13:1-3

Friday Treat yourself today to something delicious. What will you choose—or make—to delight your taste buds? Savor every morsel. . . . Daniel 12:1-3

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, look honestly at your spirit. What do others experience that makes their day better after they have been with you? Mark 13:4-8

Sunday Holy God, Creator of everything and all things, thank you for slowing us down to breathe. Psalm 16


Drive slow and enjoy the scenery. Drive fast and join the scenery. --Douglas Horton


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