Surprised by Hope.

 When the narrator says, “This is a story without surprises,” most of the time, this is not what happens. –Ethan Canin


Thousands of years ago, a young man named Jeremiah found himself in prison. He had been given a word from God Almighty, for the people of Israel, and when he spoke that word, King Zedekiah was displeased and threw him in a cell to silence his voice.

You see, the rulers weren’t happy that Jeremiah said God was going to deliver the kingdom into the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar. (The irony was, they ended up destroying themselves in an effort to keep from being destroyed.)

Into the midst of this unpleasant news and chaos, a new word was spoken, a word offering Hope and Restoration to Judah and Jerusalem. A word promising a new Branch springing up from the Tree of Jesse, the House of David:

In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. (Jeremiah 33:15)

When the people were at their lowest point, when they felt abandoned—even betrayed by Yahweh, into that darkness, the voice of a prophet came forth. Surprise! Prophecy isn’t always bad news! Welcome to Advent, Season of Hope.

Monday Begin the week by praying for victims of the many disaster, natural and human, around the world. Psalm 24:1-5

Tuesday Pray today for an end to violence in our schools, both gun violence and the very real dangers of bullying. Pray by name for a child in your life. Psalm 24:6-10

Wednesday Find an opportunity today to perform a random act of kindness. Pray for the recipient and for the giver. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

Thursday Pray today for God to show you ways to exercise ecological and social awareness as you shop this holiday season. Luke 21:25-28

Friday Take a moment today to reflect on the ways God has blessed you in your life. Thank God for his generosity. With whom is God calling you to share your blessing? Luke 21:29-33

Saturday You are a child of the Most High. In you, God is well-pleased. Rest in your identity as God’s beloved. Luke 21:34-36

Sunday Advent 2 Take a moment today simply to say thank you to someone. Tell them they matter. Make a difference in a life. Jeremiah 33:14-16


What surprises me most about God is that the creator of the universe should want a relationship with me. –Rick Warren



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