The best kind.

 Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness. So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence. –Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


We are owned by two cats, Howard and Tucker. I have had cats (or they have had me) my whole life—but these two are different. Not just because they are boy cats, and I have always had girl cats.

No, Howard and Tucker are different because they are so very, very . . . quiet.

If they are talking, it’s because they truly have something to say. If Tucker is thirsty, he jumps up in the bathroom sink and tells me. Mom? Mom! That’s exactly what it sounds like. If Howard wants to play, he gives me this teeny, tiny, high-pitched meh that says it all. Men of few words, each word loaded with meaning.

Frankly, I am not used to that. In cats or in humans. It is a special relationship that has little need for words or sounds to fill the silence. Even during prayer time, many days we cannot stand the silence it takes to listen to God, and instead fill the space with words.

Words that God always accepts—even when God wishes God could get a word in edgewise.

Guess what your task is this week? Shhhhh. . . . It’s God’s turn.

Monday Memorial Day Pause today in silence and give thanks for those who answered the call to serve and defend our country, no matter how you may feel about war in general. 1 Samuel 2:1-5

Tuesday As beautiful weather moves in, spend time outdoors today, or near a window. Listen without speaking. What do you hear? Psalm 113:1-4

Wednesday Treat yourself today. Whatever you do, give thanks and savor every moment! Psalm 113:5-9

Thursday Schools are winding down for the summer. Are there children in your life? Listen with your whole heart when they talk. What might you learn? Romans 12:9-12

Friday How do you feel sitting in the dark? Try this tonight. What do you hear in your soul? Romans 12:10-16

Saturday Praying for yourself can be even more challenging without words. Today, try a walking prayer. Move your feet as you spend time with God. Luke 1:39-45

Sunday Music soothes the savage beast. Today, listen to some favorite music, with or without words. Let your tired soul heal. Luke 1:46-55


Music is the silence between the notes. --Claude Debussy


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