Some really good dirt.

 Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together. – (J. C.) Penney

There is a parable in Scripture where Jesus tells of a farmer sowing seed. Depending on many factors, the seed may die or flourish. The most important variable seems to be the soil on which the seed is cast.

In other words, plant the seed as instructed using the best potting soil or fertilized dirt available, and the likelihood of success is much higher. True enough. 

So if this is a parable about our lives, what, exactly, are the seeds? And the dirt? Good questions. 

When I was teaching years ago, every spring we would plant sunflower seeds in a clear cup so the children could better understand this whole growing process. They watched as the taproot headed deeper and the two flat leaves first appeared. Sure enough, there really was a plant inside that seed! But without dirt, water and light, no plant.

And especially, with no little farmer child to tend the plants—they wither and die. 

So what?  What’s this got to do with our lives? Only this:

We need good soil. And we need light and water. But what we really need, more than anything, is a community of caring “farmers” willing to water us when we are dry, to nourish our souls, and when darkness overcomes us, to turn us so we can see the light. We all share and celebrate when the harvest of Love is strong.


Monday Pray today for your community. Ask God where you might become more involved in the future of your home. Acts 8:26-31

Tuesday “They” say the more love you give, the more you receive. Who in your life could use a little more love? Share a hug, a kind word or a special moment. Acts 8:32-40

Wednesday Expand your prayers today for the nation, that God’s love might become more apparent in our everyday conversations and lives. Psalm 22:25-31

Thursday “They” have also found that children from less-than-ideal home situations grow and thrive when shown a little extra attention. (Go figure.) What can you do for a child today? 1 John 4:7-10

Friday When was the last time you baked cookies or muffins to share with a friend or neighbor? How about today—and offer some to a neighbor you don’t know? 1 John 4:8-15

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, look for places where you sometimes feel unlovable. Rest in the knowledge that God loves even those spaces. 1 John 4:16-21

Sunday Grab a Bible and read I Corinthians 13, about Love and loving ourselves and loving one another. Greet one another with genuine love. John 15:1-8


Being alone and actually sitting with our own thoughts can lead to such growth and realizations that are rare in our everyday busy lives. –Kourtney Kardashian

(chosen to remind us that God can be found in unexpected places)


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