No fine print. Honest!


Nothing in fine print is ever good news. –Andy Rooney


When was the last time you actually read the back of your credit card statement or your electric bill? You know—the part with all the conditions and restrictions, the fine print that makes young eyes grow wide in fear of retribution and late fees. Our lives are filled with fine print, clauses that make a good deal seem not-so-good after all. What you see isn’t always what you get, is it?

Fortunately, in our faith lives it’s different. In the Scriptures we read a lot about God’s unconditional love. God loves us, just because. There are no ifs, ands or buts. God thinks of you and God’s heart is warmed. God looks beyond the “fine print” we add to our lives (“If only I were younger . . . thinner . . . had a nicer car . . .) and sees the good work begun in you, a work that continues, in big ways and small, our whole lives long.

In a nutshell: God loves you. Period. I cannot say this often enough. This is the Good News. You are God’s beloved child, and there is nothing you can do or say to make God love you more (or less). And as we grow in faith, as we truly come to believe that, we find ways to extend that same love to others—just because. Not to “buy” God’s love or “earn” God’s favor, but simply because each one of us is a beloved child of God. This is what makes us “worthy” of God’s love. Nothing more.

No conditions. No fine print.

Each day this week, pause and remind yourself: I am a child of God, and that is enough.

Monday Pause and count a few blessings. If you can, thank someone who made your way easier. Acts 10:44-48

Tuesday Do you struggle to see the Imago Dei, the image of God, when you look in the mirror? Pray today for a loving heart—for yourself. Psalm 98:1-3

Wednesday Be honest with yourself. Is there someone or something against which you find yourself innately biased? Confess to God and ask for peace. Psalm 98:4-9

Thursday Just for fun—read the back of one of your bills or statements. Praise God that God doesn’t hold us to such legal requirements, but simply loves us. Period. 1 John 5:1-2

Friday Take time today to call a friend or family member with whom you’ve lost touch. If there are fences to mend, try to mend them. 1 John 5:3-6

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, spend time in silence and meditate on God’s unconditional love for you, God’s beloved child. John 15:9-13

Sunday Greet one another in Christian love. Worship and praise the God who loves us just because, and is always proud of us, no matter what. Amen? John 15:14-17

Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t. –Pete Seeger



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