Deep and Wide


Your deepest roots are in nature. No matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation. –Charlie Cook


Many moons ago, I learned about a type of grass used in the southwest, where lawns are hard to keep green because deep roots are hard to cultivate. It’s called zoysia grass, and it is something else.

On the surface, zoysia looks pretty much like grass, a little crabby, with broader blades to channel moisture into its roots. Those roots are where zoysia is so amazing.

Under the ground, where no one sees, zoysia is putting down a root system that not only goes into the ground; it also goes across the ground at the same time.

As it does so, the roots interlock like the fingers of a child in prayer, and in so doing, zoysia chokes back the roots of less desirable plants, those things we call weeds. Over time, a zoysia lawn becomes healthy and able to withstand drought and hardship.

Zoysia grass may not be as attractive as Kentucky Blue, but it finds its deepest strength in standing close, and focusing on staying together. Keeping an eye on what works for us, as a community. Ultimately, discovering that strength comes in being together, not in isolation.

This past year of pandemic has forced us to redefine community. As we emerge, what lessons about loving one another will we take forward into our reforming communities?

Are we ready to grow stronger and face adversities as one?

Monday Have you taken any kind of DNA/ ancestry test? What, if anything, did you learn—or think you might learn—about your family tree? Acts 2:1-4

Tuesday What was your family like growing up? Were you close to your cousins and more distant relatives? How about today? Acts 2:5-13

Wednesday Who do you look like from your family? Do you “see yourself” in any of your siblings or offspring? In what ways? Ezekiel 37:1-7

Thursday What one thing would you tell your younger self, that you wish they (you) had known at an earlier age? Share your wisdom with a younger friend. Acts 2:14-21

Friday Where did you grow up? How far from that place do you live today? How do you feel about going home to visit that place? Ezekiel 37:8-14

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to help you root your true identity in who you are as a child of the Most High. Love yourself as you are loved. Psalm 104:24-35

Sunday Pentecost Today marks the birthday of the church in many circles. Celebrate in your own small (or huge) way. Pray for your church family. Romans 8:22-27


The person who can laugh with life has developed deep roots with confidence and faith: faith in oneself, in people and in the world, as contrasted to negative ideas with distrust and discouragement. -- Democritus


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