"Not me!"

A leader’s job is not to do the work for others, it’s to help others figure out how to do it themselves, to get things done, and to succeed beyond what they thought was possible.
 –Simon Sinek

Do you remember the story of the Little Red Hen?

The Little Red Hen was definitely an overachiever. She found a grain of wheat; she planted it, tended it, harvested the crop, took it to the mill, ground the wheat into flour—and took it home to bake a delicious loaf of bread. (Can you smell it?)

Along the way, she asked her friends who would help her with the work. But every time, the dog, the cat and the mouse would all answer the same: “Not me!”

Ah, but when it came time to eat the warm, delicious loaf drizzled with honey, all the friends showed up drooling and eager. I will be happy to help you eat the bread, Little Red!

Little Red reminded them who did all the work—and she sat down to enjoy the fruits of her labors.

And while that might seem selfish, I think we can all relate. Even in churches, many folks show up for Coffee Hour, enjoy the coffee and treats available for everyone—but never consider offering to make the coffee, bring a treat—or stay to help clean up.

Moral of the story: We are all in this together. Share the load and it becomes lighter. Take turns. Serve. Jesus washed feet; we can wash dishes. (If it was good enough for Jesus to serve, it should be good enough for us, dontcha think?)

Monday Recall a time when you were a newbie to a place or a group. Were you welcomed? Ignored? Rejected? Pray. Psalm 79:1-5

Tuesday  Allow yourself to focus on a time when there was hurt or pain in your life, physical or otherwise. Think about things that were helpful (and things that were not). Jeremiah 8:18-22

Wednesday Autumn is upon us! Take a look outdoors. Is there a spot that could use your help? Prayerfully pick up trash or pull a few weeds. Water your houseplants. Amos 8:4-7

Thursday Choose today to do a random act of kindness. Try to go unnoticed. Consider buying a coffee for “the next person.” Pray for the recipient. Psalm 113:1-4

Friday Make a phone call (not a text or email) to someone who has been on your heart. Extend an invitation to join you Sunday at Strongsville UCC. Psalm 113:5-9

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, be gentle. Give yourself a break. Spend time remembering to whom you belong. Give thanks. 1 Timothy 2:1-7

Sunday Come this morning prepared to praise God. Remind yourself why you are here, what brought you in the first place. Spend time in silence. Luke 16:1-13

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.
And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them
--The Dalai Lama


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