No last goodbyes.

Am I afraid to die? I am every time I let myself be seduced by the noisy voices of my world telling me that my “little life” is all I have and advising me to cling to it with all my might. But when I let these voices move to the background of my life and listen to that small soft voice calling me the Beloved, I know that there is nothing to fear and that dying is the greatest act of love, the act that leads me into the eternal embrace of my God whose love is everlasting. –Henri J. M. Nouwen

Today we said goodbye to a member of my flock, a woman who was truly God’s humble servant. Karen played in the hand bell choir, sang alto in the choir, baked, cooked, taught Sunday School—and in her spare time, she drove a school bus. If something needed doing, Karen was your girl.

And she will be deeply missed.

At her memorial service, we focused on what her four-year-old grandson reminded us: Today we are gonna celebrate Grandma! Out of the mouths of babes.

As Christians, we profess a belief in life everlasting. If we truly believe that, then we should be celebrating. We believe we will be reunited someday for eternity with our family, friends and pets, in a way beyond our understanding. That’s Good News.

Does this mean we shouldn’t be sad? Of course not. We are human, and we miss these people with whom we have spent time and grown in love. But we also need to remember that while it’s a part of life, death never has the last word. Ever.

Monday Summer is almost over. Autumn, that season when Nature begins dying for a season, reminds us of the beauty and dignity of death. Jeremiah 18:1-6

Tuesday Take a break today. Go outside. Just sit and listen. What do you hear? Psalm 139:1-6

Wednesday Today marks the anniversary of the United States’ greatest tragedy in memory, when the Twin Towers fell. Be in prayer today for the victims and the survivors. Psalm 139:13-18

Thursday Did you have a special pet as a child? Take time today to reminisce about that relationship. Give thanks for their place in your heart. Psalm 1

Friday Friday the thirteenth! Do you tend to believe bad things happen today? Pause and rethink. God is in charge. Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, reflect on your own life. Are you hearing that whisper? Well done, good and faithful one. Rest in God’s love. Luke 14:25-27

Sunday Every Sunday is another opportunity to affirm our belief in the power of the resurrection. Where is God working in your life to bring freshness and joy to light? Luke 14:28-33

The whole point is to live life, 
to be and to use all the colors in the crayon box. –Ru Paul


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