Always Living Water

Follow the drinkin’ gourd
For the old man is comin’ just to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinkin’ gourd
–African American folk song

August 25 commemorated the 400th anniversary of the 1619 Project, marking the first arrival of slaves from Africa. It’s important to remember; if we don’t remember, we keep making the same mistakes, over and over again.

Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd became a way for slaves searching for freedom to let one another know how to find their way to the Underground Railroad. Singing, rather than speaking, lifted their spirits, as well.

As followers of the Christ, we, too, often turn to psalms or songs when our spirits sag. Music has always been an important component of worship. While a handful of denominations choose silence over singing, many churches begin and end with music, and include hymns of praise in between

The Big Dipper was symbolic of the waters of freedom, as well as the waters of our baptism, where freedom in Christ is remembered and grace becomes real. Four hundred years later, we are still called to follow the Drinkin’ Gourd, to set our sights on the way of Jesus, the Living Water, and drink deep. The world offers us many ways to quench our thirst; only One truly satisfies.

Monday Labor Day in the US. Pause and remember what brought about the need for labor unions and the inequality that continues today. Jeremiah 2:4-7

Tuesday Reflect today on the many ways we use water in our daily lives. Let each occurrence bring you to remember the Living Water. Psalm 81:10-16

Wednesday When you got to a restaurant, are you a “good tipper”? Next time, also remember to earnestly thank your server for their attention. Jeremiah 2:8-13

Thursday How old were you when you first started working? What do you remember? Tell your stories to a friend and listen to theirs. Proverbs 25:6-7

Friday What would have been your “dream job”? Why? How close did reality come to being dreamy? Tell your story and listen to another’s. Psalm 112

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for the things you don’t always remember to give thanks for. Rest in God’s grace and generosity. Hebrews 13:1-8

Sunday During worship, focus on the One whom we gather to worship—and when we leave the sanctuary, the One whom we are called to follow. Luke 14:7-14

I have to face life with a newly found passion. I must rediscover the irresistible will 
to learn, to live, and to love. --Andrea Bocelli


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