
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
--J. R. R. Tolkein

I am told that when I was about three years old, I was left behind. Thankfully, I don’t remember it.

The story goes that my mother took the four of us shopping. My three older siblings needed shoes for school, and I was the tagalong. While the salesperson measured their feet and they tried on tennis shoes and oxfords, I sat on the floor and played in the empty boxes and tissue paper.

Shoes were chosen; purchases were made, and the family piled back into the green Rambler station wagon and headed for home.

There was one problem: little Heidi was still playing in the tissue paper.

I don’t know how long it took before I was missed. And I don’t know how much my siblings pleaded with Mom not to go back for me. . . .

I do know my mother was quick and embarrassed when she hurried in, scooped up the little lost sheep and hurried back out again.

And ultimately, when everyone was together again, there was rejoicing over the lost sheep.

Because every sheep matters. In God’s Kingdom, we all count.

Monday It’s crazy, isn’t it, when you know where you left something, but you go back and cannot find it? Now what? How do you react? Psalm 98:1-5

Tuesday They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Where is there insanity in your life? Exodus 32:7-14

Wednesday Name aloud a bad habit you’ve been clinging to. Ask God to help you break the habit. Enlist a human partner, as well. Psalm 14

Thursday Not all who wander are lost. Take a walk today with no destination in mind. Consider journaling. 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Friday Take time to reflect on who you are. Where are you strong, physically or spiritually? Where could you stand to grow (up)? Luke 15:1-10

Saturday As you pray for yourself, let God lead the way. Listen as best you are able. Psalm 51:1-10

Sunday As you wander into worship today, stop and think: What makes a church, a church? Why do I worship here, and not somewhere else? Pray. Numbers 21:9-14

There is no greater unknown than the sea,
And no greater mystery than a lost ship.
--Clive Cussler


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