That's it. Period.

 For us, the greatest temptation is to lose touch with the Blessing. We are beloved Sons and Daughters of God. –Henri Nouwen

Sometimes, Life is rough. Things don’t always go as we planned. (Heck—things often don’t go as we planned!) Our instinct as humans is to beat ourselves up over every little thing. Somehow, we think, if we had only done things differently, it would all have turned out better.

And from there, we begin to convince ourselves that we are not good enough, or smart enough, or whatever. 

Stop it. That is not true.

God loves you. Period. Just as you are, right here, right now.

You do not have to change anything or do anything to “make” God love you—and just knowing that should make you want to share that Good News with others, whether with words of love and caring, or gifts of food, clothing or warm socks.

God loves you.

Believe it. But don’t keep it a secret!

Go—tell it on a mountain!

Monday Not everyone has a safe, warm place to stay in the winter. Consider donating to a group that serves the homeless or veterans population. Joshua 5:9-12

Tuesday Are you a gardener? Seed catalogs are coming soon! Seedlings are showing up at nurseries! Think to the future. Dream of new life. Psalm 32:1-5

Wednesday How are you feeling? Are you due for any checkups or follow-ups? What’s keeping you from making the appointment? Today is a good day for that. Psalm 32:6-11

Thursday Food banks and kitchens always need helpers. Are you able? Try something new and volunteer to help sort or serve. It just might change your life. Luke 15:1-3

Friday Invite a friend for coffee or a meal. Whether you cook or meet at a café, focus on one another. Enjoy reconnecting. 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Saturday Begin this day with a time of quiet. Set a goal of five minutes (or more if it’s your routine); increase that time each week during Lent. Rest in the peace. Luke 15:11-19

Sunday Look around you. Reach out this morning to someone who looks unlike you. Give thanks for the beautiful diversity in God’s children. Luke 15:20-32


We accept the love we think we deserve. –Stephen Chbosky



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