Does it REALLY matter?

 A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss. . . . 

That’s the trade-off. But I’ll take it all. –Brad Pitt

In our modern world, a family can take many different forms. What was once “traditionally” defined as a mother, father and 2.2 children is now much, much more. The intricate, colorful tapestry we weave with our lives becomes bolder and more brilliant, at once unique and diverse—and constantly changing.

The cycle is remarkable, if we think about it. We come in to the world helpless and hungry, wriggling and wailing, completely dependent on a grownup for—well, for everything. Left to their own devices, infants don’t stand a chance. What matters? Love matters, because loving leads to caring.

As that infant begins to grow, to change and spread her wings, her mantra becomes I can do it myself! Trials, successes—and failures—are daily occurrences. What matters? Love matters, love enough to let that child learn and grow (and fail), and move forward through Those Years and into adulthood.

Over the years, the roles change. Child becomes caregiver as his aging parents lead less and need more. Busy schedules make it challenging, sometimes, for the child to make time for visits or phone calls. Children of our own make us reflect on who we are as adult children. And so it goes. . . .

But one thing never changes. No matter who is caring for whom, Love matters. Love, in a tender touch, a phone call, a caring note or unscheduled visit. When the parent is no longer with us, the memories of Love go on forever. Love never ends.

Does someone you know need your loving presence today?

Monday Reflect today on who you are and how you live as an adult child. Perhaps your parents are no longer with us. Who in your life do you turn to? I Corinthians 13:11

Tuesday Do you have children of your own? Are you a parental figure to someone—or many? Reflect on where you allow God to lead in these relationships. Ephesians 6:1-4

Wednesday As you go through your day, observe. Look into the faces of those you meet or pass. Offer a smile or kind word. Philippians 2:14-16

Thursday St. Thomas, after Jesus was crucified, traveled to India. He chose to offer Christ as he went (even as he was ultimately martyred for his faith). Today, wherever you are, offer Christ. 1 Peter 1:17

Friday Set aside space today for silence. Try to eliminate as many distractions as you can stand to eliminate. Allow yourself to simply be. Journal if you wish. Malachi 4:17-18

Saturday Pause today and reflect on where the week has been challenging. Pray for guidance and to return to the Way as we move closer to the cross. Mark 1:15

Sunday As our journey draws nearer to Holy Week, our hearts may be struck by the contrasts of life and death. Allow your heart to experience the Christ victorious—and the Christ seemingly defeated. John 19:25-27


Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. –Robert Frost



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