Numbers vs Impact

 A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. –Jackie Robinson


Here in Cleveland, we have a local meteorologist who is really good (in my opinion). Betsy is funny, articulate—and accurate, at least as much as any meteorologist can be. This winter has been a doozie everywhere, and Betsy has helped us make sense and remember what matters.

As a winter storm approaches, Betsy will tell us the anticipated totals of snowfall, freezing rain or whatever, and then remind us: Folks, it’s not the inches that matter. It’s how the inches affect our getting around. Focus on the impact, not numbers.

Impact, not numbers. An inch of freezing rain can really complicate things; an inch of snow, not so much.

Similarly, I think we need to refocus our thinking about our churches, as well. So many churches tend to focus on getting more butts in the pews. We need people! Especially families with young children! A successful church is often seen as the one that has multiple services, a band, a booklet of activities and hundreds of folks in the building every week. I suppose that’s one kind of “success.”

But what about the smaller church that feed a hundred people every week, and holds food and clothing drives to help out those who have less? They are changing lives, having an impact on their communities—and their numbers are much smaller.

Betsy’s got it right. Focus on the impact, not numbers. Amen.

Monday, March 14 Do you have a favorite weathercaster? What makes him/ her appealing? Do you trust them? Genesis 15:1-5

Tuesday, March 15 In the past few weeks, we have had every kind of weather. What’s it been like where you are? How does the weather affect your mood? Genesis 15:6-18

Wednesday Think about the church you attend (if you do). What do you especially find appealing? Psalm 27

Thursday If you have to choose between being part of a large group of people you know or a smaller, more intimate group of strangers, which do you prefer? Why? Philippians 3:17-4:1

Friday Think about your ideal worship experience: the music, the message style, the size and so forth. How does this compare to how you actually worship? Luke 13:31-35

Saturday As you pray for yourself, ask God: what do you want for me to experience when I worship? Open my heart, O Lord, to your movement. Luke 9:28-36

Sunday Happy spring (or fall, Down Under)! Take time to spend outdoors today. Enjoy simply being in God’s presence outdoors. Rest. Luke 9:37-43a


The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. –Tony Robbins


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