Turn it on its head.

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting. –Ralph Waldo Emerson


When my husband first started his treatments for cancer, I went out and bought a pretty spiral notebook. I figured it would serve me well to have a place to take notes, to journal—and generally write down whatever relevant words might come along. It has served me well so far. 

But it also serves me in an unexpected way.

The cover is lovely, a black background with pastel flowers. In brilliant gold, it proclaims this message:


Fill my heart with JOY! –Psalm 4:7


That’s a terrific inspiration on its own. But one day, I glanced over at this journal as it was lying on the coffee table, and the words were upside down. 

Something about the chosen font for the word JOY, when stood on its head, looked for all the world like it bore a completely different, wonderful message: HOPE.

There it is. When your world gets turned upside down, by a rough prognosis or simply the everyday, try looking at things from a different angle. You never know. . . .

Monday Can you read upside down? Just for fun today, challenge your brain and try reading upside down or backwards. Nehemiah 8:1-3

Tuesday Sometimes Scripture can be challenging to understand. Today, try reading a different version of the Bible, such as Eugene Peterson’s The Message. Psalm 19:1-6

Wednesday Sometimes, all it takes is to slow down and re-read the same words out loud. Try that today with these unfamiliar words from Nehemiah. Nehemiah 8:5-7; 8-10

Thursday Choose a familiar book from your shelf today and enjoy its familiar story. What makes it a favorite worth re-reading? Psalm 19:7-14

Friday Do you know a child who loves to be read to? Spend some time with a child, and enjoy what their eyes are seeing. Luke 4:14-21

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask God to give you eyes to see something fresh and new. What do you see? Consider journaling. 1 Corinthians 12:12-18

Sunday When Jesus was born, he stood the world on its head. Rejoice, give thanks! Sing! 1 Corinthians 12:19-31


Empathy . . . is about standing in someone else’s shoes . . . seeing with his or her eyes. . . . It makes the world a better place. –Daniel H. Pink


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