Cats, dogs and goldfish.

 The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety. –Felix Mendelssohn


It is impossible to go through life without having favorites. I am most definitely a cat person. I appreciate the way my cat Howard settles down next to my leg, rests his chin on my shin and purrs. It is almost as if he is willing any sadness or pain to leave my body.

But as for protecting us? Not so much. A burglar could come in and pretty much do whatever he desires, and Howard would most likely join Tucker under the bed, terrified. (Move over, boys. Me, too!) A dog, however, could bark and raise a ruckus. And when you’re sad, a dog can look deep in your eyes and seemingly understand it all. (If only they could be litter box trained. . . .)

And if we didn’t have room for even a cat, or if we were allergic to furry critters, goldfish or even birds are viable options as companions. Not my first choice, or even second or third, but many folks prefer them over other, cuddlier pets.

Point is: our loving God has given us this amazing Creation to live in that has something for everyone, in many, many ways. Even within our own species, variety reigns supreme. There are literally no two people who are the same—and that’s okay.

We can be very different from one another, can even disagree, and still get along. In fact, we absolutely must find ways to find the beauty in diversity, in Creation, among humanity—and even within our own soul. We are each a perfect expression of Divine Love.

Monday When you go shopping, take a moment to glance at the many varieties of apples. Do you have a favorite? Try a new variety today. Jeremiah 1:4-10

Tuesday Even in winter, so many varieties of trees are easily distinguished. How many can you identify? (How do you tell them apart without leaves?) Psalm 71:1-6

Wednesday Think about your own body. What do you have that no other person has? Luke 4:21-23

Thursday How about music? Are you a classics lover—or Elvis and rock-n-roll? Both? Why? Luke 4:24-30

Friday So you’re stranded on a desert island . . . and a big crate floats up. What’s in it? What one thing do you absolutely desire in life? Why? 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for even those parts of you that you don’t like. Give your self-criticism over to God. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Sunday Celebrate in worship as you feel drawn. Sing loudly or meditate in silence. 1 Corinthians 13:9-13


The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness." --Therese of Lisieux


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