The WHOLE world

God’s dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness, and for compassion. –Desmond Tutu


I always go with Chuck when he has his infusions. I don’t stay for the whole time, but I think it’s important to be there.

The last couple of weeks, I was noticing the wide variety among folks waiting for their turn to see the doctor.

A youngish woman wearing a dark blue hijab, nervously chattering with her husband in Arabic.

An older couple holding hands, looking tired. Clearly, this cancer journey has been a long one for them.

A young couple. She is in a wheelchair. Every hair from her head has fallen out. She is weak and tired, and committed. Her husband tries to look certain that things will be all right.

A woman whom I had seen at another doctor’s office, who brings her needlepoint to keep her hands busy while she waits. The pillow she’s working on is beautiful.

All of us, from our different circumstances, find ourselves on this same journey—together. And as I look across the room, I pray silently for each person.

Lord, by whatever name we call you, give us the strength to make it through today. Carry us close, cover us with your love, and bring comfort to us all, travelers and companions alike. We give thanks for the gift of modern medicine, and we trust in your perfect wisdom. Amen.


Monday Look around you as you venture out. Who is your neighbor? Offer a silent blessing to all you pass today. Isaiah 43:1-2

Tuesday When was the last time you had a conversation with someone unlike you? What did you discover? Psalm 29:1-6

Wednesday Today is simply a good day to have a good day. Make a deliberate effort to enjoy whatever comes your way. Acts 8:14-17

Thursday As you watch television, notice the way family has changed. Give thanks for the unification in diversity that is happening all around us. Isaiah 43:3-7

Friday What would you say to someone who claims they “don’t see color” when it comes to people? (Do you see color?) Luke 3:15-17

Saturday We live in difficult times politically. Today, as you pray for yourself, as God to open your mind, while giving you gentle words to speak to those who might loudly believe differently than you. Luke 3:21-22

Sunday Even during a pandemic, there are ways to worship together, safely. Enjoy the gift of Creation, and rest in God’s perfect love. Psalm 29:7-11


But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love; let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. --Khalil Gibran


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