Truly Wise.


Never stop learning, because Life never stops teaching. –Lin Pernille

On our journey, we have almost arrived at Epiphany, or Twelfth Night. Epiphany literally means to shine a light on, or reveal. In our Christian tradition, Epiphany refers to the arrival of the Wise Ones and their proclamation of the Christ Child as the one about whom much was prophesied. It marks the end of the journey to Bethlehem, but the beginning of a much longer journey: a journey of learning more.

The thing about the Wise Ones was, they never stopped learning. They never let their belief in a Supreme Divine keep them from seeking greater knowledge.

They truly believed that faith and knowledge were two facets of the same gemstone. They didn’t contradict one another; rather, the one enhanced the other. And in that enhancement, they took turns.

For instance. From the beginning, the Wise Ones saw a star that shone in the East. The Wise Ones were, we believe, from Persia—which already lies east of Israel!

If they had only followed what they saw before them, these Wise Ones might never have found their way to worship the King of the Jews. They took their faith beliefs and allowed them to be affirmed by their studies. In other words, an epiphany, or revelation of more, occurred because they weren’t afraid to question their beliefs. 

As we journey together, don’t be afraid to listen, to learn—and to love. Peace to your soul.

Monday Rest and reflect on the best Christmas you remember as a child. What made it special for you? Share your story with a friend. Jeremiah 31:7-9

Tuesday Is there someone you know whose simple presence is calming? Pause; think about what they’ve got that you want, and give thanks. Jeremiah 31:10-14

Wednesday Set aside some time today, amidst the “orchestrated chaos” that continues after Christmas, to be still. Reflect on a simple way you can carry the Light of the Christ Child forward into tomorrow . . . and the next day. . . . Psalm 147:12-14

Thursday Today marks Watchnight, the formal end to slavery, in 1862. What holds you in figurative chains of slavery? Is this a good thing? Psalm 147:15-17

Friday Today, try to pray for someone you have never met. Ask God to open your eyes to the need around you. When you’ve prayed—move your feet. Psalm 147:18-20

Saturday In praying for yourself today, affirm yourself as a beloved Child of the Divine. Silence the critics in the world (and in your mind) and rest in God’s perfect peace. John 1:1-9

Sunday Today marks Epiphany Sunday in the church year, the day when we celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men in their quest of the Christ. Let your imagination rest in this visit. John 1:10-18


I am still learning. –Michelangelo, at age 87


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