Right here. Right NOW!

 Trust not tomorrow! Whatever you are planning, today is the best day to act! --Mehmet Murat ildan


She is four-and-a-half years old, with beautiful blue eyes that dance with life, flowing blonde curls that would draw the envy of a princess. And she is my granddaughter.

This past week, we got our first snowfall—and it was a doozie! Officially, we got over a foot of the white stuff, heavy and wet. Trees sagged under the weight; branches creaked, groaned—and snapped. Cars’ wheels whined and drivers cursed, as they misjudged the depth and paid for their error. Even buses and plows struggled. For a Tuesday, it felt an awful lot like a Monday for many 

In my daughter’s house, around about six o’clock, the light broke through. Princess Golden Curls came down the stairs, took one look outside—and began racing around and around, through the living room and kitchen, eyes alight and curls a-flying.


Over and over again, in bare feet and pajamas, a child proclaimed the Good News, even as others struggled to see it. At all.

And that, Charlie Brown, is what Christmas is all about:

Taking what feels painful and challenging, facing the darkness straight-on, and refusing to be cowed by it. Choosing, every day, to find joy in the morning, and share it with the world.

Monday Think today about how you pray-- not the words, but your attitude. Try something a little different. Consider journaling the experience. Isaiah 61:1-4

Tuesday Listening is easier when your surroundings are quiet. Seek silence today, both within and without. Isaiah 61:8-11

Wednesday As the year draws to a close, pause and give thanks for the many ways you were blessed in 2020—even when you didn’t realize it at the time. Psalm 30:5

Thursday Every day is a new beginning; every year, a clean slate. Make a resolution that will affect your spiritual life. Pray for commitment to fulfill it. Psalm 126

Friday Pray today for current and future world leaders. (This should be your prayer every day.) Pray for their wisdom, and for a spirit of peace to prevail. Luke 1:46-55

Saturday Praying for yourself today, seek direction for a way you can make a difference in your world, whether through volunteering or perhaps donating your time in another way. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

Sunday How are you “doing church” in this season of pandemic? (Is it working for you?) As you worship, give thanks for the family of Christ. John 1:19-28

Tell me: what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? –Mary Oliver



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