Just a few. . . .

 Something a little different this week. I invite you to sit with Howard Thurman’s beautiful words and let them sink into your heart. May Peace, Hope, Joy—and Love be yours.


Christmas returns, as it always does, with its assurance that life is good.
It is the time of lift to the spirit,
     When the mind feels its way into the commonplace,
     And senses the wonder of simple things: an evergreen tree,
     Familiar carols, merry laughter.
It is the time of illumination,
     When candles burn, and old dreams
     Find their youth again.
It is the time of pause,
     When forgotten joys come back to mind, and past dedications renew their claim.
It is the time of harvest for the heart,
     When faith reaches out to mantle all high endeavor,
     And love whispers its magic word to everything that breathes.
Christmas returns, as it always does, with its assurance that life is good.


--Howard Thurman, The Mood of Christmas and Other Celebrations (Friends United Press, 2011)


Monday Gratitude has become a buzzword. Take time today to give simple thanks for your life. Isaiah 61:10-62:3

Tuesday Holiday music is everywhere! (Too much?) Listen with your heart. What song or hymn brings you joy? Why? Psalm 148:1-6

Wednesday We all eat too much during the holidays. Is there a favorite dish that brings back strong memories (good or otherwise)? Psalm 148:7-14

Thursday Christmas Eve services are different this year. Allow your soul simply to rest. You have earned the peace and quiet. Luke 1:46-55

Friday Christmas has returned, as it always does! Think about a favorite gift received as a child Give thanks for the gift—and the giver. Galatians 4:4-7

Saturday In England, it’s Boxing Day, a time for giving small gifts to those whom we often take for granted. Say thank you today—a lot. Luke 2:22-27

Sunday Sing favorite hymns today. Why is that one a favorite? Luke 2:28-40


--Audrey, age 3


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