Spiritual ennui


One must choose in life between boredom and suffering. –Madame de Stael 

 I’m bored.

I am also anxious, and exhausted—and discouraged at times. But mostly, I’m bored. This pandemic lifestyle has gotten—old. It’s as if most of the world has gone from color to black and white. I yearn for something different!

Often it seems as if God has gone fishin’ or something, leaving us here unattended. Where are the rainbows amidst the dark clouds? The warm glow during the silent nights? Like Moses, or Elijah, I find myself longing for a mountaintop . . . or a burning bush . . . or a still, small whisper, even.

Then I pause for a breath, and look around me. The cats, as if on cue, chase each other through the living room and bring a smile. Warm water running up my arm as I wash the dishes.

My husband’s deep breathing as he naps remind me how fortunate we are. The drone of the television in the background of our daily routine somehow helps me see:

God is still speaking, loud and clear, in the ordinary, everyday stuff we call Life.

Mountaintops are great for picnics and summer hikes, but this particular season is n-o-o-o-o picnic, is it? Stay home. Enjoy where you are. Advent is coming closer and closer. The one we call Emmanuel will arrive soon.

Emmanuel. God is with us. Even in the boredom of every day.

Monday Where is your heart this morning? Anxious? Bored? Joyful? Focus your attention there, and pray. Joshua 24:14-18

Tuesday Today is Election Day in the U.S. It has been a rough period for everyone. Pray today for our leadership and for the rest of us. Amos 5:18-20

Wednesday How will you serve the Lord today? Bring peace; find peace. Joshua 24:19-25

Thursday Make a phone call today. Check in with someone you care about, or call someone with whom you may have had a disagreement. Pray together. Matthew 25:1-13

Friday The seasons are changing. Make a trip outside or open a window for a little while. Feel the freshness of the breeze. Close your eyes. Listen. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Saturday Is there a space in your life that could use a healing touch? Lay it before God in prayer. Pray lavishly and boldly. (Remember how big God really is!) Psalm 70

Sunday Today, do something that gives your heart joy. Read a new book; try a different food. Sing a new song. Shake off any doldrums. Rejoice! Amos 5:21-24

Boredom, anger, sadness, or fear are not “yours," not personal. They are conditions of the human mind. They come and go. Nothing that comes and goes is you. –Eckhart Tolle


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