A different spin?


In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this. –Terry Pratchett


Jesus talks of a day when the nations will stand before the Son of Man and be separated, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. The closer we read the story, the clearer it becomes: we are all sheep. And we are all goats. But few f us actually raise sheep or goats any more. 

What if we changed the animals up? What if the animals representing us were dogs and cats? Think about it: 

Dogs are always excited to see us, sometimes overly so. Cats tend to ignore even their favorite humans unless necessary. 

When we are sick or in pain, dogs still demand attention; cats are willing to simply be with us in our sadness or pain.

Dogs greet each day as a new adventure, ready and eager to engage with everyone and everything; cats are equally curious—in their own (sometimes annoying) ways. 

Some days, we are all eager like dogs: ready to go, sometimes trampling over others in our eagerness. We want what we want. We do our own thing, always on the go. Some days, we are more laid back: we take our time getting going, we survey our world from a loftier stance. We may be self-absorbed, or merely reflective. It can be hard to tell. 

Most days, we are both. Every single day, we depend on God’s grace to keep us in line. And we love the occasional treat. J

Monday Did you have pets as a child? What do you remember growing up around animals (good or bad)? Isaiah 40:1-2

Tuesday How about today? Do you have a dog or cat (or other animal) that shares your life? Meditate on your relationship with animals, domesticated or wild. Psalm 85:1-2

Wednesday It’s hard to go to a zoo during this season of pandemic. What is your favorite thing to see at a zoo? Why? Isaiah 40:3-8

Thursday Consider supporting an animal rescue group with a gift or donation. Creation is continually in our care. Mark 1:1-8

Friday Spend some time today reading about an animal that’s unfamiliar to you. Why did you choose the animal you did? What’s the most interesting thing you learned? Isaiah 40:9-11

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, reflect on your inner “animal.” What characteristics do you see in yourself that remind you of another creature (good or bad)? Pray. Psalm 85:8-13

Sunday Try to spend a few minutes outside (or looking outside, if it’s too cold). Watch for animals who live in your area. Listen for sounds of life in winter. 2 Peter 3:8-15


Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. –Anatole France


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