An unfiltered life

 It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. 

                                          And sometimes it can be a lifesaver. –Betty White

I have a friend on Facebook who posts many, many pictures, every single day. Pictures of family, pictures of the city, perfect sunrises and sunsets—whatever strikes their fancy. They’re great pictures—and maybe that’s part of the problem: The pictures are always perfect!

 A child with a missing tooth suddenly has a full, perfect smile—and beautiful, perfect makeup, as well. The stain on their shirt: gone! That sunset that was so gorgeous in person now has a couple added clouds, or a bird—so unnecessary—making the image look straight out of Hallmark.

Now, if this makes them happy, great. But I believe when we document the less than perfect moments in life, it isn’t embarrassing; rather, it reminds me of our deep humanity, and the fact that while life may not be perfect, it’s awfully, awfully good.

 And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

 One of God’s greatest gifts to God’s children is laughter. Allow yourself to see the humor in everyday living. Laugh!

Monday Look closely in the mirror this morning. Take a look at what makes your beautiful face unlike anyone else’s. Give thanks and smile. Judges 4:1-2

Tuesday As the seasons continue to change, listen for unusual sounds outside your window. Some days, even the animals seem to be laughing! Enjoy! Psalm 123

Wednesday Today is Veterans Day in the US. If you know a veteran or see one today, thank them. We may never know how they saved the world. Judges 4:3-7

Thursday As the pandemic continues and school looks different for many children, pray today for teachers, for students and for those who keep them all safe. This is a strange and difficult world. Zephaniah 1:7; 12-18

Friday Are you triskaidekaphobic? Today is your day! Go ahead—knock on wood, step over that crack—and laugh at the ways we make sense of nonsense. Psalm 1

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, relax. You are perfect in God’s eye, and that’s what matters. Thanks be to God! 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Sunday Praise and worship in silence today. Spend time listening for God’s voice. Matthew 25:14-30


Laughter is the best medicine. –Proverbs 17:22


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