The End is near! Sort of.

What’s so fascinating and frustrating and great about life
is that you’re constantly starting over, all the time,
and I love that. –Billy Crystal

If your church follows the liturgical calendar to at least some degree, then you may be aware that there is only one more Sunday left on the church calendar. Next Sunday, November 24, is Christ the King Sunday. We celebrate Christ’s reign over Creation—and then we start all over again, with Mary and Joseph and the angel and a babe in a manger.

Yes, it’s a little weird. After all, isn’t that what Easter is about? Celebrating Jesus’ victory over death? Then why are we back here again?

I really don’t have a great answer. But here’s what I think:

Summer (in the northern hemisphere) is a time of terrific growth, of creating life and bearing fruit. The liturgical color for ordinary time is green, the color a colleague once told me is the color of God. After the High Holy Days of Easter and the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost comes a perfect season to allow all these new ideas and ways of believing to take root on our hearts, to put out tendrils that allow our spirits to grow closer to the Almighty without the excitement and busyness associated with Advent and Easter.

As the seasons change again, as the world around us looks grey and dreary, we take the time to affirm Christ the King, then in the midst of the cold and snow of winter, look again to the manger, where it all began thousands of years ago. Aleluia!

Monday This time of year can be exceptionally difficult for our military and veterans. Contact the local VA and ask about sending cards to those who serve or have served. Isaiah 12:1-6

Tuesday There are many groups collecting toys this time of year, as well as hat and mittens for the homeless. Consider getting involved. Malachi 4:1-6

Wednesday Make an effort today to smile at every person you encounter. (It may be easier for some than for others. You know which one most needs your love.) Proverbs 15:13

Thursday Winter is setting in. Do you have a bird feeder? Now is the time to begin filling it and keeping it filled through the cold, snowy days. Isaiah 65:17-25

Friday Some of the best gifts are things we have already enjoyed. Consider donating a book or game to a friend, child or family center. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Saturday Are you a cookie maker or bread baker? Maybe you enjoy baking but don’t want to bake just for yourself. Today, choose a special recipe—and share with a neighbor, a friend, or (better still) a total stranger. Psalm 98

Sunday As we come together for worship today, write someone a “happy note” and leave it in the hymnal, placed near one of your favorite hymns. Luke 21:5-19

We in America believe in starting over—and over and over.
–Alissa Quart


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