Just doin' my chores. . . .

Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target
with their eyes closed. –Paulo Coelho

Just doin’ my chores. . . .

Have you ever had this experience? You start out, say, in the living room, determined to get the house cleaned up before the family gets home. Right off the bat, you come across your husband’s socks from the day before, so you head to the bathroom, to put the socks in the hamper.

When you get there, you notice there’s no hand towel on the hook, so you turn to find a clean towel—and notice someone left a magazine in there, where it doesn’t belong.

You hand the towel, go to put the magazine in the office where it belongs. On the desk is a bill that needs paid, and before you realize what’s happening, you’ve got four things in your hands, a dozen things on your mind—and the family will be home in a half hour. You’ve accomplished exactly nothing you set out to accomplish! Sound familiar? At all?

Does your time with the Divine ever go like this? Start off all motivated, then get derailed by stray thoughts, old emails, a phone call. . . . And you wind up frustrated and annoyed with yourself. Why can’t I focus, God?

Try making a shorter list. Today, just do one thing. Read a few words of Scripture and rest. Or spend time in prayer—and rest. Find the time that works best for you, not some guru who makes money off your challenges.

With God, less really is frequently more. Go for quality time—and rest. God will hold you close.

Monday Begin the day with a walk, not for exercise, but to appreciate the glory of God’s creation. Wander slowly, with eyes wide open. Haggai 2:6-9

Tuesday Pause today and remember those who came before, whether family members, close friends or a stranger who touched your life. Contemplate our connectedness over time. Psalm 145:1-5

Wednesday Be still. In the quiet of November, as life slows down a bit, stop. Find a quiet place and simply be. Listen to your spirit. Psalm 145:17-21

Thursday Go outdoors again today and look for a special piece of nature—a rock, a leaf, a pine cone—and study it closely using all your senses. Praise the One who gives such attention to detail. 
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5

Friday Take a nap. Yep, that’s right. Listen to the rhythm of your breathing as you drift off. . . . 
Job 19:23-27

Saturday Today, just for fun, make yourself a folded paper fan like when you were a child. Decorate the paper before you fold it. When you finish, sit quietly—and enjoy. Praise God as you relax in God’s presence. Psalm 98

Sunday As we gather together, praise God for the good things happening in our church family. 
Luke 20:27-38

It is during our darkest moments
that we must focus to see the light. –Aristotle Onassis


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