Deep breaths and doggie pants

Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to constantly evolve. 
Perfection is constant transformation. --Nia Peeples

At my church, almost every Tuesday evening means a meeting. It certainly isn’t all bad, for many reasons. We are doing the business of the church. I get to be in a more intimate setting with my church family. And my secretary Irene always makes sure every agenda laid out around the table has a piece of chocolate on it. And she knows I like dark chocolate.

Last meeting, the treats were foil-wrapped Dove Promises (dark chocolate, of course). I tend to be the only one who takes the time to read the bit of pop wisdom stamped inside the wrapper; everyone else is after the chocolate.

My wrapper said, You got this! Seemed to be a perfectly good reminder, and the meeting went well. But the best bit of wisdom came from the person to my right. Her wrapper bore these words:

Exhale the past. Inhale the future.

Let go of the stuff of yesterday that’s holding you back. Breathe in great lungsful of promise and hope for the days ahead.

Blow out the hurt, the anguish, the anxiety and the shoulda coulda wouldas. Close your eyes, breathe deep and trust in the one who gives us ruach, the Spirit of Life. Fill your every moment with God’s promise: Never will I leave you nor forsake you. I will be with you until the end of the age.

Now c’mon, let’s go do stuff! Together! You got this!

Monday Is there a place where your heart hurts with every breath from a wrong you perceived a long time ago? Spend time journaling. Let it all out; pray. Psalm 119:137-144

Tuesday Maybe you’ve been hanging on to harsh words you spoke that cost you a relationship. Send a note (not an email) if you can. Forgive yourself. Luke 19:1-10

Wednesday Make a shopping trip. Pick up a few items for the local food bank. Ephesians 1:11-23

Thursday Do at least one random act of kindness today. It doesn’t have to be a big one: offer a smile, be kind. Sow seeds of promise. Isaiah 1:11-18

Friday Decide today to give up a bad habit (for today). How did it go? Try again tomorrow. And the next day. Psalm 32:1-7

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, be especially honest. Where are you holding grudges and pains that hold you back from truly being who God created you to be? Exhale that past. Psalm 149

Sunday Sunday! A new week filled with fresh hope and promise! What will you do, my dear, with your one wild and wonderful life this week? Psalm 84:1-7

Another world is not only possible; she is on her way. 
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing. –Arundhati Roy


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