Two truths and a lie. (A churchier post than many)

True wealth is not of the pocket,
but of the heart and of the mind. –Kevin Gates

Two truths and a lie

(You’ve played this game, right? I won this game once with these statements: I have completed four marathons in my lifetime; I was once a Miss USA candidate; and I was once Drew Barrymore’s babysitter. But this article isn’t about moi.)

#1. Stewardship is something we should consider all year long, not just “in season.” True! God’s Creation clearly shows growth and focus during the springtime—but that doesn’t mean everything is on hold during the other three seasons. Summer capitalizes on what spring has begun. Autumn brings many fruits to bear, ready for harvest. And during the winter, as the creation cycle is complete, the earth rests, but is hardly inactive.

#2. Jesus talked about money all the time in his ministry. True again! Some say Jesus taught about money more than he taught about any other issue! A quick Google popped up over fifty occasions when Jesus spoke to the crowds about money, giving and stewardship.

#3. My gift is too small to make any difference at all. Lies, lies, lies! Remember when you were little, and someone you love gave you a whole dime—and you could go see a movie? A quarter meant you could also get popcorn—and maybe some jujubes! So where did you get the idea that your gift, however small, isn’t valued in God’s eyes (and in the church budget)?

Pastors often have a hard time talking about money and giving. We know: Sunday is the day you don’t want to hear about that kind of stuff! But if we are committed to lovingly and effectively serving God, we need to think and talk about money, and all the other gifts we bring before God. Our time, our talents and our treasure belong to the One who created each one of us, unique and perfect. And that, friends, is a truth we must never forget.

Monday Do you have a “change jar”? What do you do with the change you collect? Ecclesiastes 5:10

Tuesday How easily do you give to those folks who stand by the road asking for change? What would Jesus do? Matthew 6:24

Wednesday Have you ever been so poor as to have to ask for change from a stranger? How did that feel? 1 John 2:15-17

Thursday Do you have a monthly budget you try to live by? Is your gift to God part of your budget? (Is it first?) Luke 16:14

Friday On this traditional Memorial Day, pray for veterans who have found themselves homeless after returning home. Consider volunteering at a center. Philippians 4:11-13

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, give thanks for the many ways God has blessed you in your life. Job 36:11

Sunday Welcome someone you don’t recognize as you attend worship today. Invite them to sit with you. (No new faces? Invite someone next week!) 2 Corinthians 9:7

P.S. I have not completed four marathons. But—my sister and I did complete four 25-mile walks for charity in our younger days. Now you know.

Wealth is the slave of a wise man, the master of a fool. --Seneca


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