Nothing left to give.

Giving is an act of generosity.
Giving is sowing a seed.
The seed will produce a great harvest of fruits.
-- Lailah Gifty Akita

Over the past few months, I have had some delightful conversations with a gentleman named Bert. Bert, in his words, definitely has more days behind him than he has remaining ahead. In other words, he is getting up in years.

Now Bert, by his very nature, is a generous man. He is a faithful giver to his church, and is first in line making extra gifts when it’s needed and he has the resources to help. He says his income is limited. But with the income he has, he is determined to make a difference in the world.

Look up the word generosity in the dictionary. You’ll see Bert’s picture, right there.

But what I really love is his attitude.

Bert tells me he wants to die with an empty bank account. And he hopes his last check before he dies bounces. (He laughed and added, “And I hope I don’t write it to you!”) After all, he says, he won’t have any use for his money when he’s gone. He wants to see how much joy he can generate while he’s still around to see the smiles.How about that?

May we all yearn for a heart like Bert’s, focused on making others’ lives easier and trusting in you to be sure I have enough. Amen.

Monday What do you have to give—that’s not money? Look for an opportunity to offer yourself in service. Acts 9:1-6

Tuesday Do you have a change jar? What do you do with the pocket change you have left at the end of each day? For the month of May, set it aside for charity. Psalm 30:1-3

Wednesday We don’t often like to think about our own death. Give your family a break: make sure your will and other documents are up-to-date. Psalm 30:4-9

Thursday Take time today to tell someone part of your story; then take time to listen to theirs. Revelation 5:11-14

Friday As the week draws to a close, check your wallet. If you have extra cash left at the end of the week, consider giving it away to your church or other charity. John 21:15-19

Saturday Today, as you pray for yourself, ask God to examine your heart. Where could you make better choices with your resources? Rest in God’s generosity. Psalm 30:10-12

Sunday It’s Mother’s Day in the States. If you still have your mother, give her a call, send a note or stop by for a visit. Be patient and generous with your presence. Isaiah 65:17-25

Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love or simply give a smile. What does that cost? 
The point is, none of us can ever run out of something worthwhile to give.
--Steve Goodier


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