Hide and Seek

Seek God every morning. Trust God every moment.
--Lailah Gifty Akita

I was never very good at hide-and-seek as a child. When it was my turn to hide, I would duck behind a bush—only to find someone else already there, shoving me away. Go find your own spot! And when I did find a good hiding place, invariably, without fail, I would sneeze. Or cough. Found you!

Then it would be my turn to seek. I would hide my eyes . . . count to ten. . . . Ready or not! Here I come! I would look and look, until finally, in desperation, I would return “Home”—only to see my friends casually lounging, waiting for me.

What? WHAT?? We’ve been here all along! You must be blind.

It seems, somehow, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Only now, some days, it’s God I play with. I can be having one of those days, wondering, Why do I feel so alone, so empty? God, I just can’t seem to find you—anywhere!

Then I turn around, and there’s a stately buck in the backyard, blinking wide-eyed as he munches on dandelions. The sound of children laughing and calling out—playing hide-and-seek, perhaps—reaches my ears. The rumble of distant thunder, a whiff of rain on the cool spring breeze, and it hits me:

God, you’ve been there all along. I must be blind.

Monday During your quiet time today, pray for a teachable spirit. Remind yourself that God alone is God.     Acts 11:1-10

Tuesday Is there someone you know who could use a ride to the grocery store, or would appreciate help with a young child for an hour? These are great ways to love your neighbor. John 13:34-35

Wednesday Think for a moment: How many of your neighbors do you know? How many do you know well? Pray for opportunity for conversations. Acts 11:11-18

Thursday Do you know someone who has experienced loss-- of a job, property or a loved one? Offer prayer. Consider making a phone call to check in. Psalm 148

Friday As the seasons change and summer draws near, spend some time outdoors simply appreciating the beauty and resiliency of God’s creation. Give thanks. Psalm 27:4

Saturday As you spend time today praying for yourself, ponder how you feel about not knowing, or not always finding. Pray, again, for a teachable spirit, and listen. Isaiah 65:17-25

Sunday As part of the life of your church, pray today for the vision and future of Christ’s church and its leaders; celebrate the saints who have brought us this far. Revelation 21:1-6

Waiting taught me, I can’t have it in my way, but in God’s way. 
–Lailah Gifty Akita


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