Platitude-ianity (Part One)

It is in times of extreme difficulty that God develops our character and strengthens us spiritually, while helping us to grow deeper in our faith in [God]. –Charles Stanley

People say things like this all the time:

Well, you know . . . God will never give you more than you can handle.

Well, you know . . . if you have even a teeny bit of faith, God will take care of your problems.

Well, you know . . . just let go and trust in God. God’s got this.

And oh, so many more. The folks who offer such wisdom mean well, I know they do. And if you have ever said such things, I am pretty sure you meant well, too. But here’s where I struggle:

Sayings like these make me feel so—helpless. And I don’t mean that in a good way.

Helpless, like even if I can manage to trust God, I sure as heck don’t see or feel God at work in this awful, dark situation. Even if God is at work—if I don’t sense God’s hand, then it sure feels like God did give me more than I can handle.

And when that happens, I don’t need platitudes to remind of the shallow, tenuousness of my faith in God. I need comfort. I need presence. I need hope. And if I can’t sense God offering me these things, then I suspect maybe God has sent you (or someone just like you) to be God’s presence that I so desperately need. Jesus has no hands but yours. No loving touch but yours. You’ve got this.

Monday Begin the week in prayer for the pastoral leadership of your church family. Pray for our hearts to continually be receptive to the Spirit’s guiding. Acts 1:1-8

Tuesday Offer thanksgiving for the members of this congregation who have agreed to serve in leadership positions. Pray for their continued willingness to follow God’s lead forward. Acts 1:9-10

Wednesday Pray today for the musicians in our. Pray that, in all things, we (and they) may be led to new ways of thinking. Psalm 150

Thursday On this day, please offer prayers for our volunteers who give so freely of their time and talents. You are blessing in our lives. We cannot do ministry without you. Acts 2:17-21

Friday As we serve God, we are called to offer Love to all in our community. Pray this day that God would guide your heart in whom you might invite to join us on this adventure. John 1:35-42

Saturday As you pray today for yourself, confess before God how you really feel. Pray God’s healing touch on your heart if necessary, and on the hearts of those around us. John 1:14

Sunday Come before the Lord, pray and reflect as you are led and give thanks. John 4:31-32

Good morning. This is God. I will be handling all your problems today. 
I will not need your help. But I may invite your participation, anyway. –Almighty One


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