A different kind of fasting

There’s something about Lent that makes sense.
You give something up, and everything’s more joyful.
–Elaine Stritch

Ash Wednesday, March 6, marks the beginning of Lent, the 40-day period when Christians reflect on the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, leading up to his ultimate crucifixion and resurrection. For many, Lent is a time of quiet introspection.

Some choose to make these forty days a tithe, or 10%, of the year of their lives, giving something up as a sacrifice to God. Maybe we decide to quit smoking for forty days, or give up eating chocolate. But what if, this year, we decided to take a different approach? What if, instead of giving up something for Lent, we chose to let something go?

When we let go of things that hold us back from serving God fully, a remarkable thing happens. In place of impatience, God creates a space for listening. In releasing resentment, God gives a new sense of peace and belonging. And believe it or not . . . in letting go of the need to be in charge, we begin to more fully become the person we were created to be.

Or—consider adding something to your spiritual practices during Lent. Add quiet meditation to your morning, or a walk at the end of the day. Give an extra kind word to everyone we meet. Little acts of kindness can change the whole world!

Pause right now. Take a deep breath . . . and let it out s-l-o-w-l-y. Listen for God’s whisper in your heart. How will you fast to change the world?

(This week we will focus on God’s definition of fasting.)

Monday Just for today, give up exercising power without permission. Seek humility. Pray for eyes to see where you need to change. Isaiah 58:1-2

Tuesday Just for today, fast from speaking too quickly. Think: do you really need to say that? Pray for gentle words. Isaiah 58:3-4

Wednesday Just for today, be courageous. Speak for someone who has no voice. Remember a time when that was you. Isaiah 58:5

Thursday Just for today, give deeply from your financial resources, to an unexpected recipient. Pray; let God guide you. Isaiah 58:6-7

Friday Just for today, take a meaningful break from electronic devices. Choose silence instead. Pray for listening ears. Isaiah 58:8-10

Saturday Just for today (but make it a habit), be kind to yourself first. Pray to see yourself through God’s loving eyes. Compliment yourself. Isaiah 58:11-12

Sunday On this Sabbath day, rejoice. Break your fast from sadness and fear. God’s kingdom is near at hand. What does that mean for your daily life? Isaiah 58:13-14

Lent is about becoming, doing, and changing, 
whatever it is that is blocking the fullness of life in us right now.
--Sister Joan Chittister, OSB


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