Finishing well.

And in the end, the Love you take 
is equal to the Love you make. –Paul McCartney

I lost two friends this week, Ray and Megory. Both were later additions to my life journey, and both have helped me better understand what it means to live well, right to the very end.

Ray was 86 years old. He was raised in the church, and taught to process what he heard from the pulpit. He was never shy about asking (or telling) me what I meant by something I’ve said. He kept me on my toes. (Now, it’s up to you.)

But the most important thing I learned from Ray was constant, abiding gratitude. Right up till his last moments, even as disease and cancer ravaged his tired body, he was grateful to God—and he would let everyone know it.

Megory died too soon. Her body betrayed her in a moment of weakness. But throughout her life and journey, she lived in such a way as to help us understand that death is but a bridge, a path to something we just cannot yet understand.

Megory formed a group called Sacred Dying, to help others understand that dying, too, is a sacred part of life, just like being born. There’s nothing to fear, especially among those of us who profess faith in a Greater Power, by whatever name we call them. As I work with hospice patients, Megory whispers in my ear. I have no doubt.

Thanks be to God for these wonderful people of deep, abiding faith. You have them in your life, too, don’t you? Tell them how much they mean to you, while you still can. And live well.

Monday, February 18 Do it today. Write a love note. Send a card. Reach out to someone who has shaped your faith journey—and tell them. Jeremiah 17:7-10

Tuesday Think about who looks to you to guide their faith journey. Ask yourself: what do they see in you that points them to Christ? (Do more of this.) Psalm 1:1-6

Wednesday How often do you read your Bible? What is your favorite part? What part(s) do you struggle with? Find a friend and learn together. 1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Thursday What other sources mold your lifestyle? When you read, what sorts of books do you choose? Why? (No need to change, necessarily; just be deliberate.) Psalm 138

Friday Treat yourself today. Do something different from your usual Friday routine—and enjoy. Journal about it. Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Saturday Look back over your week. Where in your daily living did you glorify Christ? Was there a time you fell short? Pray and let it go. . . . Luke 6:17-23

Sunday Come before the Lord today in gladness and gratitude. This is the day the Lord has made! There will never be another like it. Psalm 118:24

A truly good book teaches me better than to read it.
I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint.
What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.
–Henry David Thoreau


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