Unexpected places. . . .

The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen, but if one will, are to be lived. --Soren Kierkegaard

This week, I headed out early for a service of committal at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. The drive, seldom interesting, is one I know well, the same drive I made to seminary for three years. But this morning. . . .

As I came over a hill, the view was breathtaking. Fog truly came in on its little cat feet, just like Carl Sandburg said, filling the valley. I left the interstate and headed off on country roads. The village hadn’t yet begun to wake up.

I turned onto Rawinga, captivated by those amber waves of grain that so inspired Katharine Lee Bates waving in the early morning sunshine, whispering thanks for the service of Ohio veterans. My soul settled in as beautiful flute and oboe music came quietly from my speakers. Shhhhhhh. . . .

The cemetery itself stood in silent beauty. Row after row of white markers, in every direction, keep watch as sentinels, assuring visitors that those who gave their lives did not die in vain. Acres of quiet green grass stood as a somber reminder that there is still room for oh, so many more who are sure to die to ensure our freedoms.

There, among the markers, God’s spirit of Life moved freely. In this place where we gather to honor those who died, the Lord of Life reminds us: We have this life for but a moment; seize the day, knowing that the beauty of eternity lies just beyond the horizon. Thanks be to God.
(This week’s verses are all taken from Psalms. Take time to reflect.)

Monday Where is your go-to place when you need to rest your soul? When was the last time? (When will be the next time?) Psalm 145:8-13

Tuesday Sit in quiet today and journal a page. Reflect on a time when God showed up unexpectedly. Psalm 134

Wednesday What is your favorite genre of music? Listen to the radio today—or sing along. Psalm 150

Thursday Take a walk in the world today. Open your eyes. Where is God in plain sight—and where is God more difficult to see? Psalm 123

Friday Take a deep breath. What do you smell? As the seasons change, let yourself enjoy these scents of fall (or spring Down Under). Psalm 118:20-24

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, reflect on the image of God within you. Bathe in God’s merciful, unconditional love. Psalm 108:1-5

Sunday As you enter your house of worship, listen deeply. Look around. Reach out and touch the walls, the seats. Praise the Almighty One! Psalm 84:1-4

Nothing is black or white, nothing’s “us or them.” But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There’s incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope. –Dave Matthews


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