Do I need permission?

You and I, the people of God, have permission to come before the throne of Heaven at any time we will, and we are encouraged to come there with great boldness.
–Charles Spurgeon

There’s a beautiful place in Barcelona, La Sacrada Familia Basilica, that’s been under construction since 1882. Designed by Antoni Gaudi, the finished design will have eighteen towers, the tallest of which soars over 170 meters high. It is an architectural wonder, and isn’t expected to be completed until 2026. In the meantime, tourists flock to this beautiful place by the millions.

But apparently, when the construction of the cathedral first began, the builders failed to get a construction permit. (Yes, they required them even in 1882.) A hundred and thirty-six years later, the city and the builders have worked out an agreement to pay fines of nearly 32 million pounds—for the oversight of not seeking permission in the first place.

Wouldn’t it have been simpler to just do the right thing in the first place?

So often in life, people operate under the principle that it’s easier to do whatever we think is best and ask forgiveness later, rather than permission. Every once in a while, that delayed permission comes with a hefty price tag. But sometimes, grace and forgiveness prevail.

How do you tend to operate in life? How easy is it for you to extend grace—even at a cost to your own interests? This week, ponder the cost of God’s generous grace in our lives.

Monday On your way to work, school or the mall, pause at the red light and give thanks for those who have faithfully served their country. Psalm 118:22-24

Tuesday Listen today for sounds of the season: schoolchildren at play, leaves blowing, animals getting ready for winter. Offer thanks for variety in Creation. Genesis 2:4-7

Wednesday Close your eyes for a moment. Listen to your body as you breathe in and out. Feel the miracle of life flowing through your veins. Give thanks. Psalm 139:1-12

Thursday Pray today for children in another part of the world. Ask God to guide your thoughts-- and your actions. Jeremiah 1:4-8

Friday Take a few minutes to look in your closets. Are there items—a winter coat, perhaps—that you no longer need? Where do you have “more than enough”? 2 Corinthians 8:7

Saturday As you pray for yourself today, ask the Lord to reveal the uniqueness of you. Celebrate simply being a beloved child of the Most High. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Sunday Look around you at the beauty and variety of God’s children in this place. Praise God—and welcome one another in love! Acts 17:22-25

You and I, the people of God, have permission to come before the throne of Heaven at any time we will, and we are encouraged to come there with great boldness.
--Charles Spurgeon


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